Uh crap.
I started modelling a simple blade....
and got this.

Don't F-ing ask me how.

Happens often, see the description.

Will make a blade soon. Sorry.
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Originally Posted by Kryo View Post
Okay but I used a hypernurb to make the blade all curvity. So I'll just make a new one :P.
Do you render using somthing else than make preview?

if you're using hypernurbs, you should learn how to edit the strength of each vertex.

it's pretty simple, but manipulating hypernurbs in the correct way can be difficult. I'll look around and see if I can't find you a tutorial, but if I remember right, you select a vertex or 2(as many as you want really) and hold (.) or (,) to increase or decrease strength.

Originally Posted by wiirus View Post
Uh crap.
I started modelling a simple blade....
and got this.

Don't F-ing ask me how.

Happens often, see the description.

Will make a blade soon. Sorry.

why not make a circular blade like one Tira has from SC3? seems like it would be more your style, and it's pretty simple to make!

Last edited by Stupinator; Apr 14, 2010 at 09:27 PM.
Former Item Forger
Try to put lights and a sky and floor in.
Edit: You use blender I forgot lol.
Last edited by Kryo; Apr 15, 2010 at 07:06 AM.