Endurance Onslaught 6.0

BELT: 6th Dan

FORMER CLANS: Sparta (Highranked member) , Spark (Member), Wu Tang Clan (Leader/Founder), June (Member atm) (tbh i cant really remeber all the clans what ive been on. You can check my older apply to spark there are some of the older clans where ive been)

Why z ? -Because my trusted member/2nd leader of Wu Tang Clan (Gidzpider) would like to join z and i think we 2 could be a good add to your clan and ive seen z is quote active clan.

Timezone: GMT+2

Main mods: Lenshu,Greykido,ABD,Aikido

About me: Im a weird invidual from Finland (WTF= Welcome To Finland), Im also quote funny guy when ppl will get to know me and i have somesort of sense of humour. I can be sometimes toxic but ill try to work on that.

About me and toribash: I started playing toribash in 2011. I quitted for several years and in summer of 2018 i started playing again. Im decent at Lenshu and atm trying to improve at aikidomods so i could be more useful at the clan.
Last edited by nikootso; Apr 11, 2019 at 03:45 PM. Reason: fak
Originally Posted by nikootso View Post

BELT: 6th Dan

FORMER CLANS: Sparta (Highranked member) , Spark (Member), Wu Tang Clan (Leader/Founder), June (Member atm) (tbh i cant really remeber all the clans what ive been on. You can check my older apply to spark there are some of the older clans where ive been)

Why z ? -Because my trusted member/2nd leader of Wu Tang Clan (Gidzpider) would like to join z and i think we 2 could be a good add to your clan and ive seen z is quote active clan.

Timezone: GMT+2

Main mods: Lenshu,Greykido,ABD,Aikido

About me: Im a weird invidual from Finland (WTF= Welcome To Finland), Im also quote funny guy when ppl will get to know me and i have somesort of sense of humour. I can be sometimes toxic but ill try to work on that.

About me and toribash: I started playing toribash in 2011. I quitted for several years and in summer of 2018 i started playing again. Im decent at Lenshu and atm trying to improve at aikidomods so i could be more useful at the clan.

If you wish to join, make an application for yourself, your friend will do the same! There are multiple reasons why your application has been denied

Reason one: Grammar. (You need to make sure your grammar is on point)

Reason two: lack of effort (your application needs to be big and worth reading)

Reason three: making an application for someone (the other guy has to prove if he can write applications! You two have to be separate)

I will give you a chance, You can post another one if you want to join, it must be a good application that you write only for you to join and if your friend wants to join as well then he has to do the same! I hope my response was clear, if not... please contact me on discord: Xaria#3197
Application 2.
Name: Niko
Discord: uberhaxor(-FIN-) #5223
Activity: Daily player, Forums are a bit of strange to me still but ill figure it out.
Former clans: Sparta,Wu Tang Clan, Spark,June (And other clans what i cannot remember sorry)


My name is Niko
Ive played Toribash since 2011 however quitted pretty fast and started playing again summer of 2018
I started playing toribash because my IRL friends indroduced me to the game.

Im a 25yo gamer from Finland. I like to longboard, play games and play guitar. I do have some friends in toribash and i play with them daily.
The most mods what i play is Lenshu, Greykido, ABD and Aikido. When i started playing this game in 2011 i played mostly Aikido. Now im changed to Lenshu. I feel like my some experience at Lenshu are affecting to Greykido and Aikido so i feel more confident about aikidomods and just recently started playing them more.

Im friendly but i have some struggling sometimes with toxicity so im trying to improve on that. Im bit bad also at English so hope youre atleast getting the point of my interest and effort of this application because im kinda struggling here .

Why Zero?

Ive played with Fyre a lot and ive get to known him pretty well. Also in Zero there are other members too who ive played against too and they all seem pretty good at the game. In my opinnion Zero has the most organized and experienced leadership and very good members so thats why im interested joining the clan. Also i hope i could progress with the clan and im sure that members of the clan can give me tips about the game!

Originally Posted by nikootso View Post
Name: Niko
Discord: uberhaxor(-FIN-) #5223
Activity: Daily player, Forums are a bit of strange to me still but ill figure it out.
Former clans: Sparta,Wu Tang Clan, Spark,June (And other clans what i cannot remember sorry)


My name is Niko
Ive played Toribash since 2011 however quitted pretty fast and started playing again summer of 2018
I started playing toribash because my IRL friends introduced me to the game.

Im a 25yo gamer from Finland. I like to longboard, play games and play guitar. I do have some friends in toribash and i play with them daily.
The most mods what i play is Lenshu, Greykido, ABD and Aikido. When i started playing this game in 2011 i played mostly Aikido. Now im changed to Lenshu. I feel like my some experience at Lenshu are affecting to Greykido and Aikido so i feel more confident about aikidomods and just recently started playing them more.

Im friendly but i have some struggling sometimes with toxicity so im trying to improve on that. Im bit bad also at English so hope youre atleast getting the point of my interest and effort of this application because im kinda struggling here .

Why Zero?

Ive played with Fyre a lot and ive get to known him pretty well. Also in Zero there are other members too who ive played against too and they all seem pretty good at the game. In my opinnion Zero has the most organized and experienced leadership and very good members so thats why im interested joining the clan. Also i hope i could progress with the clan and im sure that members of the clan can give me tips about the game!

You have been accepted as a trial!
Gidzpider asking nicely to join :)
Name: Joar

Discord Name: Joar Nixon #3695

Age: 15

GMT: 2+

Activity: I play nearly all days I can
however on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I have training so I
can’t be active much. I rate my activity 7/10

Date: 2019-04-12


My name is Joar and I'm 15. My account is created in 2014 but I started playing seriously this year. Before that I did tricking on my own, but I was not very good. I started playing cause a friend who I train tricking with in real life said we should do flips in it. About a year ago I opened it up and fell in love with it again. Since then I have been playing a bit too much. My favourite mods in Toribash are abd and lenshu. I also played some boxshu but then I switched over to abd and lenshu when I joined WTC. I also used to host bet servers when I had TC so I also have some experience in that.

When it comes to Replay making, I can’t do anything really, I honestly have too much fun playing vs people and trying to improve on my skills.

When I’m not playing Toribash I sport a lot. I train climbing and Tricking. I’m very pasonate about the sports and they are a very important part of my life. I do however not compete much since the sports I do are not very popular. The only competitions I do are JSM (The Swedish master ship for juniors in climbing) And some competitions at my club.

I Don’t have problems getting along with people in tori bash, the person I play the most with is nikootso.

Why I want to join

I have been in WTC since I got decent at the game, I loved the people there but since people stopped playing and only me and Niko are left, and I feel like it’s time to leave. I want to join a clan with people who can teach me and help me advance, I also want to stay with Niko since we get along very well and I really have fun playing with him. The biggest reason for joining is that there are very good players in ZERO and there are a lot of active players and people who are better than me who can help me progress. Zero is also very active, however on the forums which I will have to learn but I think it’s great that people are active since that makes it easier to make connections and get to know people.

Unfortunaly I don’t have any replays to link since I don’t make replays I have a few cool fights but that is dependent on my enemy, so they are not really objective
Originally Posted by gidzpider View Post
Name: Joar

Discord Name: Joar Nixon #3695

Age: 15

GMT: 2+

Activity: I play nearly all days I can
however on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I have training so I
can’t be active much. I rate my activity 7/10

Date: 2019-04-12


My name is Joar and I'm 15. My account is created in 2014 but I started playing seriously this year. Before that I did tricking on my own, but I was not very good. I started playing cause a friend who I train tricking with in real life said we should do flips in it. About a year ago I opened it up and fell in love with it again. Since then I have been playing a bit too much. My favourite mods in Toribash are abd and lenshu. I also played some boxshu but then I switched over to abd and lenshu when I joined WTC. I also used to host bet servers when I had TC so I also have some experience in that.

When it comes to Replay making, I can’t do anything really, I honestly have too much fun playing vs people and trying to improve on my skills.

When I’m not playing Toribash I sport a lot. I train climbing and Tricking. I’m very pasonate about the sports and they are a very important part of my life. I do however not compete much since the sports I do are not very popular. The only competitions I do are JSM (The Swedish master ship for juniors in climbing) And some competitions at my club.

I Don’t have problems getting along with people in tori bash, the person I play the most with is nikootso.

Why I want to join

I have been in WTC since I got decent at the game, I loved the people there but since people stopped playing and only me and Niko are left, and I feel like it’s time to leave. I want to join a clan with people who can teach me and help me advance, I also want to stay with Niko since we get along very well and I really have fun playing with him. The biggest reason for joining is that there are very good players in ZERO and there are a lot of active players and people who are better than me who can help me progress. Zero is also very active, however on the forums which I will have to learn but I think it’s great that people are active since that makes it easier to make connections and get to know people.

Unfortunaly I don’t have any replays to link since I don’t make replays I have a few cool fights but that is dependent on my enemy, so they are not really objective

Zero Application By Khaydenkann
Name: Khayden

IGN: Khaydenkann

Age: 17


Discord: Peasant#0892

Activity: I'm active in-game almost everyday for at least 7 - 13 hours however, I'm not really active when it comes to forums. I'd rate myself 8/10 in activity.

: 14/4/19

Former clans: Besides my own clans that I made for the titles, the only other known clan I've been in was Blizzard.

I'm 17 years old. I love playing piano, in-fact, I've played piano since I was seven years of age, I love the game Toribash, I have played it since 2014, I'm only a 6th Dan Black belt, but I do consider myself quiet good at the game. Also, initially I actually wanted to join the clan zF but after seeing the members capabilities in Z, I changed my mind pretty much without second thought. Moreover, I love the title of the clan, "Zero". When I think of it, it just seems like a cool name and title anyone would want to be named under, including me, If I were to get accepted, I would dedicate all my Toribash fights to the name of Zero, and I would try to be as active as possible when it comes to the clan. I also specialise in Boxshu, it's probably one of the only mods I enjoy on Toribash with Mushu and Wushu, other than that I'm about average in everything else. Which is quiet Unfortunate if this clan specialises in a certain mod overall. Finally, I am British, I've lived in the UK all my life and I wouldn't want to move anywhere else, unless its somewhere like Japan and Korea, only because I enjoy Anime and K-pop, Like BTS and Blackpink. My Favourite and First anime is actually Naruto.

Why Zero?

I want to join Zero because of its members, the names of members alone strike fear into me which is quite thrilling, and when being in-game, scrolling down and just rolling your eyes over the names of opponents, as soon as you see "(Z)" that's when your eyes stop and take a moment to realise that the player you're looking at poses a threat when it comes to fights, and I want to be like that, to be saw as a member of Zero and when I win hopefully it encourages others to also join Zero. And unlike the previous clan I was in, Zero seems pretty active!


I apologise since there is only one but I hope it helps in judgement.
Attached Files
Originally Posted by khaydenkann View Post
Name: Khayden

IGN: Khaydenkann

Age: 17


Discord: Peasant#0892

Activity: I'm active in-game almost everyday for at least 7 - 13 hours however, I'm not really active when it comes to forums. I'd rate myself 8/10 in activity.

: 14/4/19

Former clans: Besides my own clans that I made for the titles, the only other known clan I've been in was Blizzard.

I'm 17 years old. I love playing piano, in-fact, I've played piano since I was seven years of age, I love the game Toribash, I have played it since 2014, I'm only a 6th Dan Black belt, but I do consider myself quiet good at the game. Also, initially I actually wanted to join the clan zF but after seeing the members capabilities in Z, I changed my mind pretty much without second thought. Moreover, I love the title of the clan, "Zero". When I think of it, it just seems like a cool name and title anyone would want to be named under, including me, If I were to get accepted, I would dedicate all my Toribash fights to the name of Zero, and I would try to be as active as possible when it comes to the clan. I also specialise in Boxshu, it's probably one of the only mods I enjoy on Toribash with Mushu and Wushu, other than that I'm about average in everything else. Which is quiet Unfortunate if this clan specialises in a certain mod overall. Finally, I am British, I've lived in the UK all my life and I wouldn't want to move anywhere else, unless its somewhere like Japan and Korea, only because I enjoy Anime and K-pop, Like BTS and Blackpink. My Favourite and First anime is actually Naruto.

Why Zero?

I want to join Zero because of its members, the names of members alone strike fear into me which is quite thrilling, and when being in-game, scrolling down and just rolling your eyes over the names of opponents, as soon as you see "(Z)" that's when your eyes stop and take a moment to realise that the player you're looking at poses a threat when it comes to fights, and I want to be like that, to be saw as a member of Zero and when I win hopefully it encourages others to also join Zero. And unlike the previous clan I was in, Zero seems pretty active!


I apologise since there is only one but I hope it helps in judgement.

My apologies for the late response but you are missing 1 requirement

Originally Posted by Fyre View Post
100+ Forum Posts.

You need 100+ posts in the forums. If you are determined to join (z) zero then please come back when you have 100 posts or more.