Ah yeah...sorry spouting something without thinking it first

oh yeah about the story do you guys mind if i put some romance element on it?
~Let me sleep damn it~
okay then...
don't worry it won't be too sick lovey dovey romance


Sorry vordred but i kinda change the story, hope you didn't start it yet
For everyone feel free to give suggestion or critique what should i add
Last edited by Dsyz; May 3, 2013 at 10:32 AM.
~Let me sleep damn it~
Originally Posted by Dsyz View Post
Ah yeah...sorry spouting something without thinking it first

oh yeah about the story do you guys mind if i put some romance element on it?

Originally Posted by Dsyz View Post
romance element on it?

Originally Posted by Dsyz View Post
romance element

Originally Posted by Dsyz View Post

Vordred wanted me to make a render of a few members from each clan, here is a wip so far, going to leave the background and all the shiny shit till last, when I do that it will look wayyy better.



Last edited by Albus; May 6, 2013 at 08:42 PM.
Vor i am sorry to inform you
i just realize that fantasy isn't my fort, my fort is Supernatural, action, and a little bit romance
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you