Endurance Onslaught 6.0
First of all, yes, I know the competition is over.
But I said that if EvilStealthWarrior could provide a link, I'd write a new poem.

And if THIS one turns up on some other site, I know that I'm being hoaxed, trolled, et cetera.

And even though I doubt the supposed evidence against me, I'm writing another poem anyway. It's down below, after my little talk about the odd things about the link.

I'm glad I write these in word documents and not on here.
Database went down just as I was about to post the second love poem for Rainbowz.

Anyways, the poem to prove my creativity is below. Could've been better, but hey, I only have so much free time.

First of all, I'm shocked and amazed.
Whether I'm shocked and amazed that, by some random coincidence, a grieving widow and I both wrote pretty much the same poem (and I'd love to talk to her if she exists, since anyone who references Red vs. Blue in a poem dedicated to their late husband must be quite an amazing person), or shocked and amazed at what I suspect to be a mild ruse by EvilStealthWarrior. Possibly to get me to post.

Anyways, there's a few things I'd like to point at.

The format of the website is different to the screenshot. And I checked it out in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and as of about 5 minutes ago, Opera. AND my mobile browsers, just to be sure.

The most interesting thing is that the poem is under review for abuse, and has one review, from about a day ago. Said reviewer seems to be no-where else on that site, or have an account that can be checked out.
And now that I've said this, I'm sure that they will. Well, we shall see.

Anyways, enough about that. Here's the poem (unstructured, no pentameter or intentional rhyming pattern) about my love for Rainbowz and a little reminiscence, as well as some obscure references to my favourite things.

Ranbowz, my love for you
Burns, always true
As a candle
To the flame
From the cradle
To the grave
This beating heart
Slow to start
Never to sop
Goes on and on
For you
Only for you
And I find myself
Pulling on my gloves
Picking up my bag
The cans clink
Ever so lightly
As I shift
Ever so slightly
And I'll walk
I'll swagger
Proud of my love
For you

Look by me
And you will see
The writing
On the wall
Red on white
White on red
The drying paint
Says it all
"Living like this, we
Were already dead, so
Why don't we just
Love instead?"
Verbose, I could have been
Should'f been faster
I could've been seen
Out with the eloquence
Cut out the crap
This spray-can drops
From my hand
I'll simply turn
And walk the other way

Love makes us do
Some crazy things
But I don't give a damn
Not one iota of shit
Doin' my visual bit
I'll write on the wall
All day long
Carefree, the way
It was meant to be
Cause I don't care
About nothing but
You, and only you
And I'll carry my bag
And swagger
And though I ain't no
Mick Jagger, I can still
Scream to the world
About my love
My endless love for you

Can't you see, it's just you
And me, we were
Meant to be
I'll tell you, as I sway
Plain as
The pain in my eyes
As we stand
So far away

So let's enjoy
Life, for what it is
Let's just enjoy
To the highest degree
This freedom
With oh-so-little scrutiny
You might call me careless
Call me slow
As I write on the wall
While the street-lights glow
But you're not gonna change me
And I ain't gonna change you
And that's why I love you
Through and through

So I'll keep on writing
And I'll keep on waiting
Everyone else
Can just go on hating
Rainbowz, it's just me and you
So I'll ramble on, and hope
That my dreams will
All come true
So I'll walk
And I'll write
And ramble
On and on
Until the day that I
Can finally meet you
Greet you
And confess
The truth of my
Aching heart

Girl, I just simply
Cannot express

My love
For you.
Last edited by FrostFyre; Feb 14, 2012 at 08:32 AM.
"When you wish upon a star, you are a few million years too late. That star is dead. Just like your dreams."
1: I reported it.
2:You have to login to see the dates. It's like yahoo
3:The poem you just wrote is much better and more like it. My friend Bavaros makes poems and story that get published , and he lets me see them before they get published so yeah I know what a unstructured poem is and a good one at that.
4:and a Real poem isn't a real poem just because its unstructured , or prevailed with better context , A real poem is either what comes from within or abstract.
5: Only person in this clan besides me that will know the true answer to the site and person and poem is Noah and me.
6:You come up with this worth less crap of evidence in forms of word's. Now that's the real poem . With out a doubt you Stare at the screen looking for anything you missed. Glaring for a spec of evidence left behind. Hmmmpfh Your Pitiful attempt to arouse is over. Arrogance is one with you my Congregational friend. Reading your poem is like reading straight down the side of a book with out actually reading the book at all.It's almost like leaving the paragraph's naked just to show 3 words if Inference and plait.

Why is this ? Well it seem's that in your hate poem for evil . You weren't exactly talking about me. As of the moment you weren't at all. Haven't you noticed Hitler is dead. Why would you ever pledge your pathetic allegiance to one man , one person , the fact that the person is crazy is what gets me.Maybe It a conspiracy ,but you tell me.
contently your friend,

Toribash Senior |Wushu Master| YouTube Dancer |Video Editor| Senior Gfx artist| Univ of Penn Alumni|#Ivyleague
Originally Posted by EvilStealthWarrior View Post
1: I reported it.

Wait, what? Why would you report it? That only points more towards this being a ruse.
2:You have to login to see the dates. It's like yahoo

I logged in. Saw no dates. Can post screenshot of me logged in, looking at the page, et cetera.
3:The poem you just wrote is much better and more like it. My friend Bavaros makes poems and story that get published , and he lets me see them before they get published so yeah I know what a unstructured poem is and a good one at that.

First of all, thank you. Secondly, cool. Thirdly, me mentioning the kind of poem and the structure type is just a habit. If I'd written one with an ABBACBBAC rhyming pattern, I would have said that. If I had put it within a pentameter, iambic, for instance, I would have said that too. Since it was unstructured prose, I wrote unstructured prose.
4:and a Real poem isn't a real poem just because its unstructured , or prevailed with better context , A real poem is either what comes from within or abstract.

I know. You're talking to someone who gets extremely good marks in extension English subjects, which requires a lot of creativity, seeing as I have to write tons and tons of poems/short stories to get in to a good university immediately after graduation. I know my shit, and I'm creative. That's all I can say for myself, really.
5: Only person in this clan besides me that will know the true answer to the site and person and poem is Noah and me.

So basically this is a massive ruse of some sort. If Noah is involved.
6:You come up with this worth less crap of evidence in forms of word's. Now that's the real poem . With out a doubt you Stare at the screen looking for anything you missed. Glaring for a spec of evidence left behind. Hmmmpfh Your Pitiful attempt to arouse is over. Arrogance is one with you my Congregational friend. Reading your poem is like reading straight down the side of a book with out actually reading the book at all.It's almost like leaving the paragraph's naked just to show 3 words if Inference and plait.

I'd like to say that the only evidence I come up with is based off of yours. What do you want me to do, create a video documenting my creative proccesses? Writing the poem? Do you want an essay where I go over my inspiration for the poems?
Why is this ? Well it seem's that in your hate poem for evil . You weren't exactly talking about me. As of the moment you weren't at all. Haven't you noticed Hitler is dead. Why would you ever pledge your pathetic allegiance to one man , one person , the fact that the person is crazy is what gets me.Maybe It a conspiracy ,but you tell me.
contently your friend,


I'm missing something here. For one thing, the poem I wrote about you was not a "hate" poem. I'm incapable of hate, you see. Never have hated someone, never will. I get frustrated, angry, and so forth, but that's different.

And you seem to be implying that I was somehow talking about myself in that poem. Either way, you're wrong.

I'd also like the jury to note that I am, in fact, aware that Hitler is dead. And I never did pledge my allegiance to him.

Seeing as I was relying on the fact that everyone knows Nazis were horrible, and Hitler was horrible, and I was then comparing your mindless, petty evil to their evils. An unfair comparison, and I only did it because your name is EvilStealthWarrior. So yeah, Evil, compare it to evil, you can see where I was going.

And you are either deliberately misunderstanding quite a lot of things I'm saying, or you're actually misunderstanding me. Either way, I'm finding this quite lulzy.

But you're really not living up to your name, Evil.

And for the record, if I were to do something as dirty as copy another's poem, I have to inform you that I would copy it from somewhere not easily found, such as from a book of 50 year old, relatively unknown poems. As they would not be on any major poetry sites, and would not have passed in to the public domain, they would not be easily traceable.

Which brings me to my final point, which I kepy meaning to bring up, but was unfortuneatly distracted.

I cannot believe that you would think I would be stupid enough to take a poem from some easily accessible poetry website! For crying out loud...

/end ramble
"When you wish upon a star, you are a few million years too late. That star is dead. Just like your dreams."
Okay. Makes as much sense as anything else :'D
"When you wish upon a star, you are a few million years too late. That star is dead. Just like your dreams."
AHAHA I was about to quote one thing when i was catching up but then I wanted to quote another... and another.... and one more cause of all the funny shit in here but then....



Basically I love all you guys, you guys make my life ahaha sorry I wasn't on :P
Wanna play some [CHESS]? <3
I like trains.

Hey, we forgot to send prizes.
Shmev, give Frost 3k and gimme 1k. :33333333
Roses are orange, violets are green, I am colorblind and can't rhyme.
There was so much DRAMA! And ANGST!

But mainly 'lulwut?"

Anyways, yaaaay, moneys!
"When you wish upon a star, you are a few million years too late. That star is dead. Just like your dreams."