Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Please stop. One of you needs to just decide to suck it up for the sake of this thread.
Good morning sweet princess
My view is that Pig is overreacting to something Ele did and that Ele shouldn't have done it in the first place. Nobody is perfect and we shouldn't pretend to be perfect. I personally think that the thread should have been moved to off-topic to allow the type of edgy posts which were flooding it, but then again Moonshake would be just as likely to close it there since it is a pain to moderate and the off-topic board is pretty busy already even without allowing a flame war magnet like that to remain open.

And Ele, lets not kid ourselves here, you will probably die of a stress-related heart condition as a result of Pig long before you have a chance to turn grey.
Good morning sweet princess
Suggestion: Stop with the constant post editing without giving any reason. Why is this even a thing?

Either the post is fine, in which case DON'T EDIT IT, or the post is not fine, in which case edit it ONLY to include a mod message.

I don't know why I see so many edited posts without any reasons given. If you think that editing posts at random is acceptable and productive, then edit the moderator guidelines and make it official, there's no need to be a cowboy about it.

And before you try and strawman this post, I don't care /why/ you are editing posts all the time, I'm concerned that you are not stating your reasons.

If it turns out your reasons are bad, then we can discuss that afterwards. But at the moment obviously there's no way for me to know why posts are being edited.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Sure. We'll leave a mod message on every edit from now on. Just don't use that as an opportunity to bitch and whine about every single edit.
Last edited by Ele; Jun 16, 2015 at 10:01 AM.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Sure. We'll leave a mod message on every edit from now on. Just don't use that as an opportunity to bitch and whine about every single edit.

lol we'll cross that bridge when we get to it mate.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff