Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Quick, someone go make a reality thread where we plan this shit out to the tiniest detail so we can completely ignore all those plans when we actually do meet up.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
Originally Posted by fluffykat View Post
Stop you guys are making me feel SO FRIGGIN HAPPY NOW I WANT TO HAVE NO
Guys no we must have a tea party
We will go to a fancy cafe all casually like errybody wearin suits
I will ride to said cafe on my chum the fruit she will be my horse and we shall ride
We're going to make this happen

I can already imagine myself in a suit but with muddy brown boots, just to say "Fuck you" to the system.
Ok, gotta grow a beard by then. Just for the extra classy-ness. It would actually be a good idea, though I don't know how realisable it is at the moment, at least for me, money being the main issue( and the fact that my parents would probably freak out if I were to tell them I want to go abroad to meet some guys I spend time with on the internet ).

Though, if there will be a chance, LET'S DO EET!
Proud member of [Pandora]
Do any of you people get nightmares?
I don't really get them, so I'm curious about what they're like.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
Feel free to share some, I would very much like to read about them.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
Okay wow I'm reviving this year and a half old thread for a freaky dream I had
Doing this bc it's really intense, sexual, and explicit and also brubs, puff and my girlfriend were in it so hey why the fuck not

okay it started out with brubs inviting me to sweden because she wanted me to hang out with her and puff, so i was like fuck yeah i'm going, so i decided to bring my girlfriend with me. once i got there i stayed at this place for gay women or something?? it was fucking weird and everyone was attractive. once i got in the room brubs called me up and was said "why don't you come over so i can show you where i hang out" and I was like "you mean a fucking rave" and brubs was like "hell yeah". so i went to brub's place and in the dream it was sorta dark and fuzzy because i don't know what her place looks like lol. okay so puff was there and we greeted eachother and it was cool. i asked for clothes to wear for this rave and brubs gave me and puff some rad outfits. also i invited my girlfriend to come with us but for some reason she went ahead. so as we were walking at like 2am to this rave brubs told me "be careful not to kiss anyone because sometimes people hide date rape drugs in their mouth" so i said "um okay???" but anyways i was so fucking pumped for this rave because it would be my first time going to one. we got there and the bouncer was only letting a few people in and apparently i was one of them. brubs and puff had to wait outside for some reason. the place was sorta like a huge dim house but with strobe lights and really loud music. i think i got drunk almost immediately lol. i danced and got bored so i went outside and asked puff why he wasn't allowed in. he just shrugged and said "i have no idea". so i went back inside and opened a door in the back and saw my girlfriend asleep with another girl who happened to be extremely attractive and looked like a fucking rocker. I was so jealous and pissed but apparently me and her agreed to let us have sex with other people besides eachother. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY I WOULD EVER MAKE THAT RULE. also there were 2 other girls sleeping on a bed to the side of them. so the girl who was with my girlfriend got up and got in my face a bit or something. i forgot what she said but my girlfriend calmed her down and walked out with her after saying sorry. i was so fucking pissed. i closed my door and wow what i remember next was getting raped in some bedroom by an old disgusting vampire dude? a legit vampire. i don't fucking remember. apparently an older woman raped me that same fucking night. this dream's fucked up. so i left and told brubs and puff that i got raped by a vampire so we drove on motorcycles???? to some weird hole in a wall where this vampire lived. the vampire had a girl from the party with him who had this wire embedded into her neck pretty far. he ripped it out really hard but she was still alive and screaming. the vampire dude confronted brubs and we found out that she was also a vampire and never told us. so brubs used this power called death eyes that caused like a black explosion that burnt the vampire dude and his eyes exploded. weird as fuck. so like after that we went on a race course with our motorcycles like a fucking mario kart game wtf. after that i went back to the women's place. my girlfriend and that fucking hot tattoo artist rocker chick were canoodling and making out and shit in the hallway to our room. I WAS SO JEALOUS THAT I FELT IT IN MY SLEEP AND IN MY ENTIRE BEING. so i stood there and waited and apparently my girlfriend felt bad or something so she started kissing me but i knew she liked the other girl more because i felt a connection between them and it was horrible. she told me how this other girl was basically like her as rebel so they were really similar. like the way she talked to her and stuff was weird and i could tell she liked her more. anyways it got foggy after that but it mostly revolved around this other girl and my girlfriend fucking getting at it and being lovebirds and i was just sad. so i think i went home or something idk.

Last edited by fluffykat; Jun 23, 2014 at 07:49 PM.
We should hang out, and make sure them bad things don't happen ;3
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
Fuck vampires man. Also let's not go to any establishments with date rape drugs in mouths.

You should become a rocker and beat that other girl to the punch.