thanks for the cnc cuci, i appreciate the feedback! i was going for a boomhit crazily enough, i was able to get the decap no problem myself. i didn't want to spend the time to get the amount of speed it would've taken for the boomhit, so i just hacked the leg speed instead.

a little bump replay, just a simple cork. (pst, faith connors is a kind of decent replay)
Attached Files
[trick] cork1.rpl (239.6 KB, 31 views)
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
Originally Posted by Karbn View Post
thanks for the cnc cuci, i appreciate the feedback! i was going for a boomhit crazily enough, i was able to get the decap no problem myself. i didn't want to spend the time to get the amount of speed it would've taken for the boomhit, so i just hacked the leg speed instead.

a little bump replay, just a simple cork. (pst, faith connors is a kind of decent replay)

If you clean up the cork and the starting sweep just a tad you'd be hot baby <~ Totally not a replay thread; Hi I'm sam
thanks baby it was just a small edit, but i'll keep trying to clean my tricks up.
here more tricking, with lionet. enjoy!
Attached Files
Lionet and Karbn - Pro Strats.rpl (840.3 KB, 49 views)
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
this looks so much like my old tricking style which I love

anyways all I really have to say its that you're executing moves too quickly, your s/t would be a lot more powerful if it was slowed down and I think you've noticed it yourself for your cheat setups, when you take large steps they're great, when you toe tap it's not

I would of liked a greater variety of tricks but at least it wasn't constant corks so cheers and seriously this is good like really good

I went ahead and did a quick replay showing how a proper swing can be amazing using your setup + a boost which also add variety

scoot = rotation swing

macaco = height swing

td raiz = height + rotation if you use your hands right

also as for toe taps try to avoid them unless its something like the finishing trick of this replay because that's toribash's version of a pop and it gives so much momentum it really doesn't matter also tb lacks pops and irl pop tricks are amazing pls include them in your replays they're great
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Last edited by zubin; Jul 18, 2018 at 03:40 PM.
Why is it you did all this random crap, 0 height, 0 speed, 0 flow, awkward positioning for everything then there's a nice suicide swipe towards the end followed by more crap. am confuse how you adjusted skill level so fast. Work on keeping smoother movements and height mainly, with height and smoothness will come speed.
Knock down da walls wiv big rocks and kill all the men wiv arras. - Lamby
thanks for the cnc zubin, i have noticed that toe taps aren't great. they work well, but they feel a lot like a cheaters way to gain a lot of speed without too much work.
i'll try to give more variety of tricks for my next tricking replay! i think i have a trick that would look great if i pull it off correctly.

demi, harsh, but fair. i'll continue to work with gaining height and smoothing out my movements more. if you have any tips for how to gain the type of height you're looking for, then i'd love to hear them! i always struggle with chaining corks.

i don't really know what to make anymore, so i goofed around on this neat staff mod. i might go back and make something a little nicer later on
Attached Files
Karbn - Staff.rpl (342.7 KB, 20 views)
test_staff_spar2.tbm (2.2 KB, 17 views)
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
i did some more tricking, on the bouncenotramp mod. wow, can you gain height and speed out of nowhere on this thing!

i'm still working on those tips you both gave me earlier, this was an old wip that i wanted to finish up
Attached Files
Bouncenotramp.tbm (5.7 KB, 10 views)
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
oh god I've been busy.

here's some parkour for y'all! finally got into the mood again.
Attached Files
Total wipeout v10.rpl (3.86 MB, 40 views)
blu_totalwipeout_concon.tbm (23.3 KB, 26 views)
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
That butt landing was beutiful at the end.

Other than some consistent running and a few tricks it's p good. Nothing that is remarkablely "wow" to it.

But really good quality overall. Gj Karbn
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Thanks xioi, I totally get what you mean when you say there's nothing overly impressive about this replay. I'm working on something much more impressive now, something you started doing as a replay, but ultimately never finished. I'm really hoping you'll like it

hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord