Original Post
Breakdancing contest, rules inside
The frame timers must be set on 5000/70, touching the ground with a body part other than the hands or feet must only be for style (Such as head spinning). Most entertaining breakdancer wins!

Tips: Holds and spins make it look awesome. Also, try to end on a position that'll keep you steady. Falling like a limp rag after the dance just doesn't look good to the audience.
Attached Files
5000frame JudoBreakDance.rpl (169.1 KB, 570 views)
Re: Breakdancing contest, rules inside
Srry and ignore my other post. I put in the wrong replay. Here's the real one:
Attached Files
Culapou for gamekeeper!
Re: Breakdancing contest, rules inside
i didnt follow the rules exactly(i used a mod and turn frames=10)but here it is!