People always talk down on builds that are not theres. Because they only followbuilds on a website so they think its the best.
basicly it means they Cannot think for themselves.
Devil Add me and PM me your GMT and time your on.
IGN NA: CartoonMad
Originally Posted by Toon View Post
People always talk down on builds that are not theres. Because they only followbuilds on a website so they think its the best.
basicly it means they Cannot think for themselves.
Devil Add me and PM me your GMT and time your on.
IGN NA: CartoonMad

..or because they know how to play a champion and how to maximize his damage output or overall his effectivity on battlefield.
Originally Posted by Toon View Post
People always talk down on builds that are not theres. Because they only followbuilds on a website so they think its the best.
basicly it means they Cannot think for themselves.
Devil Add me and PM me your GMT and time your on.
IGN NA: CartoonMad

Probably shouldn't advertise that thread in your siggy, it's pretty embarrassing.

Also there are reasons some people follow builds off websites. Often it's just to try and get another POV on a champion.
Originally Posted by Zazo View Post
You all should post your wins/losses
Pretty terrible =/

My cousin ruined my w/l ratio because he wanted to get my account level 30.

We actually shared my account until level 28 or something like that, when he started his own account.
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)

2nd game as malphite, I could 1v5 their team... I had a pretty shitty xin zhao on my team, so we barely lost at the end:


I had around 4100 Health, 400 armor, and basically, my ult + w + e + q + lulu ult = kill their whole team.