ferrocks head needs work in alot of places. the teeth i can deal with, can be argued the cartoon look of them comes from the character itself, it doesnt clash with the fur too much, almost looks like its dead right. the mirrored aspect i cant really deal with though.
overall, i dont think the snout comes through on the mouth enough on the sphere, looks odd, the mirrored elements over all take alot from it, the cap doesnt look quite right, although its drawn correctly, it just gets cramped too much at the top of the head.

although the drawing work on it is excellent, im just not sure.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I think Jebus' head Orbis Hominem deserves a spot in the glorious light of the expo, as it has great mapping, contrast & looks.

Artist: Jebus
Finder: Tamashii
Owner: N/A (Mosty likely Jebus)
Resolution: 512x512
Missuse is the owner.

And my vote is No, cuz take a look at the other Jebus head in the expo, dont you think they are to similar?
Jebus deserve a place in here but not with this head
[JollyR] [GATA]
That's true...Didn't notice.

Although I would have to say that the newest one looks better, the eyes on the other one seems somewhat out of place.

But that's just my humble opinion :>

Anyways...Both are really good textures.
Originally Posted by Ferrock View Post
Missuse is the owner.

And my vote is No, cuz take a look at the other Jebus head in the expo, dont you think they are to similar?
Jebus deserve a place in here but not with this head

although the hair is pretty much the business

also, a quick observation, no eyebrows
Last edited by BenDover; Feb 22, 2012 at 10:18 AM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by Privjet View Post
Ferrock how bout giving a reason and not being so rude?

or is that too mature for you to do.

how is not giving an explanation being rude? we've been far ruder befor.
its simply not good enough. no explanations needed

if you have an issue with his moderation, pm him or post in the complaint box rather than clutter up a thread.
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