I'll have to give it a look

Is there any superpower anime you could recommend been looking for a decent On for quite a while just can't seem to
Anime United
Im just getting into kizumonogateri its really great and the manga for fairy tail and attack on titan are very good as well.
fuck 12, free all my shootaz
yeah @ibravies the manga is very good trust me and i also just got into noragami and tokyo ghoul swell.
fuck 12, free all my shootaz
My buddies told me it was very good im currently on the 10th episode.
Another good anime is prison school ive watched bits and peices of it and its very funny aswell as gabriel dropout.
fuck 12, free all my shootaz
Running low on good stuff to watch recently, anyone know any good animes similar to any of these;
Kill la Kill, Log Horizon, King's Avatar?

Apathetic User
Originally Posted by reimu View Post
Running low on good stuff to watch recently, anyone know any good animes similar to any of these;
Kill la Kill, Log Horizon, King's Avatar?

Gosh, I don't watch a lot of action comedies. Anything similar to Kill la Kill I've ever seen would probably have to be My Hero Academia. I'm sure you've already looked into it.

Kill la Kill is great.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
I'm pretty sure I watched a few episodes while it aired, and it didnt click for me sadly

I have a big thing for game-kinda animes, such as SAO, Overlord, King's Avatar, Log Horizon. Got any recommendations like that?

Apathetic User
Originally Posted by reimu View Post
I'm pretty sure I watched a few episodes while it aired, and it didnt click for me sadly

I have a big thing for game-kinda animes, such as SAO, Overlord, King's Avatar, Log Horizon. Got any recommendations like that?

No game no life the best!!!
I wanna watch log horizon later
SAO is still cool,i waiting for SAO ordinal scale