Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Lets make it clear for everyone.
Alt accounts - not allowed (alt's and main will be banned?)
ClanBanks accounts - not allowed (clanbank will be banned?)
Accounts trading - not allowed (alt's and main will be banned?)
Accounts dueling - not allowed (?????)
To give access to you acc to other user - not allowed (????)

Ok, how about renaming accounts? If someone gets an account for free and wants to make it main? Lots, Lots of questions after this
Originally Posted by Jarmund View Post
What i'm saying is that clanbanks are already against the rules, and run the risk of being banned at any time.

Will you allow us to fix all this? Make new clanbank in new system, transfer all the stuff from clanbanks. Transfer from alts to main, choose main. Rename alt to main? Where we will have items storage, or clanbank system allow to share items? Why it wasnt announsed like "Warnning, now clanbanks, alts, etc not allowed.. etc You have 5 days before..."
Or massive accounts banning will be like the snow on our heads?
Last edited by nblx; Nov 29, 2011 at 10:12 PM.
we don't take any action against clan banks because they are serving a purpose for clans, but the staff is already working on an alternative for it, we also don't care about alts all that much

the rest of your post just made me shrug
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Originally Posted by nblx View Post
Lets make it clear for everyone.
Alt accounts - not allowed (alt's and main will be banned?)

Alt accounts are fine, as long as you don't use them to break the rules.

Originally Posted by nblx View Post
ClanBanks accounts - not allowed (clanbank will be banned?)

Just noticed Vox's announcement. Read that for more information.

Originally Posted by nblx View Post
Accounts trading - not allowed (alt's and main will be banned?)


Originally Posted by nblx View Post
Accounts dueling - not allowed (??)

If by that you mean two people dueling to gain control of an account, correct.

Originally Posted by nblx View Post
To give access to you acc to other user - not allowed (?)


Originally Posted by nblx View Post
Ok, how about renaming accounts? If someone gets an account for free and wants to make it main? Lots, Lots of questions after this

If someone creates a new account and wants to rename it they will have to pay the standard fee. If someone wants to switch the names of two accounts they'll have to pay for both name changes, although you may get lucky and an admin might be feeling generous so you'll only pay for one. If you got the account from someone else you'll be banned when you try to change the name as in all likelyhood the fact that you broke account trading rules will be noticed.

Originally Posted by nblx View Post
Will you allow us to fix all this? Make new clanbank in new system, transfer all the stuff from clanbanks. Transfer from alts to main, choose main. Rename alt to main? Where we will have items storage, or clanbank system allow to share items? Why it wasnt announsed like "Warnning, now clanbanks, alts, etc not allowed.. etc You have 5 days before..."
Or massive accounts banning will be like the snow on our heads?

These rules have been in place for a few months. There have been announcements about it. Your own failure to notice them is irrelavent.
Last edited by Dalliance; Nov 30, 2011 at 12:08 AM.
Originally Posted by TheFirstManceR View Post
And also, do the staff members(all of em, squads, uni, allz) like cookies? :3 Dey be some good cookies, man :3

Yup yup! Just like the fat kid loves cake.

Originally Posted by nblx View Post
Green hat! New Flashmob? What it's all about?

Fish came up with this. Not even sure what it is entirely about to be honest. I just needed an avatar. Bandwagons(ftw)!!!

Because, you know, reading, and shit.

It's nice that like, everyone here (with a very small number of exceptions) who posted managed to get this totally wrong, I do advise reading this with relation to clan banks.
Why is it when an average user comes into power (smod and up) they seem to get more expensive items they never would have ran into before they came into power?

I just seemed to notice this the other day.
OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.
Originally Posted by nblx View Post
Green hat! New Flashmob? What it's all about?

It's just a fad.
It was started to get the word out about the Green Hat Event, 'n stuff.
Users would pay Fish 123 TC in his customization shop (which I can't seem to find anymore) to have a green hat added onto his avatar/signature.
Originally Posted by DjPz View Post
Why is it when an average user comes into power (smod and up) they seem to get more expensive items they never would have ran into before they came into power?

I just seemed to notice this the other day.

Your question is just a tad disingenuous, so here is an equally nice answer: Confirmation bias.

The green hat event: http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=318491
Originally Posted by Vox
Your question is just a tad disingenuous, so here is an equally nice answer: Confirmation bias.

I for one believe that people who volunteer should get some type of payment, I'm definantly not complaining about it, but why keep it a big secret? I mean I'm just looking for an answer, hence why I went to the "Ask the staff!" thread.
OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.