i haz a cat
Sup guys
A game on facebook is called ''Vector''

the game is freacking epic i played it i suggest you try it out and maybe we can make it our official game?
A guy name xioi sent me 5k for nothing...

Hours: Oh woot, I tried this link but it didn't download... But now it did. Thank you very much. :3
EDIT: No the link didn't work, Hours. It stills give me that the publisher is unknown.

Th3: Yeah I saw this game but I was playing with my friend and I didn't have time to see it. And okay, I'll add you to Facebook. My name is Balba Belbe on FB but it's not my real life name; so anyways, just accept me so we can play/chat together someday.
Last edited by Patrickooo; Feb 4, 2013 at 03:44 PM.
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Okay Th3, let's rock!

Hours, might see my edit in the #865 post.
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