Well, I was gifted all my stuff by a guy who quitted (ToriKai), (not staff nor nothing like that), an old friend of mine. The rest of the profit I made up is from flames sales, not a big deal though.
What exactly makes you take a staff member?
I talked to Uric about two days ago, We were chatting and somehow a certain GM came up in our conversation. Uric said when he first got him as a trial gm, He "absolutely sucked" but through a bit of help and pointers he was turned into quite a GM. I said "Why don't you simply take everyone of you can take trash and make it into a good GM?"
So if you can "train" someone to go from Trash to almost perfect why don't you just take anyone that wants the job?

Not just GM's, Any type of staff really.
You can train "trash" to do a job, but you cant train away the hunger for power and idiocy that some people have when they get power.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Originally Posted by Boonana View Post
What exactly makes you take a staff member?
I talked to Uric about two days ago, We were chatting and somehow a certain GM came up in our conversation. Uric said when he first got him as a trial gm, He "absolutely sucked" but through a bit of help and pointers he was turned into quite a GM. I said "Why don't you simply take everyone of you can take trash and make it into a good GM?"
So if you can "train" someone to go from Trash to almost perfect why don't you just take anyone that wants the job?

Not just GM's, Any type of staff really.

'cuz some people just won't learn. People who get as far as to "trial (period of anything) GM" have to had some motivation to drive onwards. If you lack that basic motivation and will to learn to do what you're assigned, you'll never be anything but "trash".

*cough* Tagknife *cough*..
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.
Why are the posts deleted when mods screw up and you can't even complain about it cause you have no proof.
Originally Posted by zygrQck View Post
Why the last toribash patch update was 2 years ago? Why devs won't update this pc game?

2 years? The latest version was earlier this year :/

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you