With all the political shit going around, I'm still impressed by people needing to bring up Obama's presidency like it's the worst we have ever seen.

It really wasnt.
In fact it was actually pretty decent. The skyrocket in national debt has leveled out a bit over the past couple years, which was most everyone's main concern.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
In fact it was actually pretty decent. The skyrocket in national debt has leveled out a bit over the past couple years, which was most everyone's main concern.

I think he was just unlucky to be a president with the increase in social media. Since most things on social media is bs.
Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
There should always be a place to discus politics, without any discord, we'd live in a full blown dictatorship, and not a shitty democracy.

yes, there should. the problem is that a lot of people have their heads too far up their own asses to be able to take part in any form of civilized debate about anything, be it politics, religion, etc. i confess, i may have been an asshole on the internet a while back, but yeah, you rarely see civilized on the web. usually it's a full blown shitstorm of insults and name calling.
a spoon.
Just depends on who you keep in your company.
A lot of people are pretty sound like, but there is always the bawbags.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions