Originally Posted by Swammy2 View Post
Had to lol at that
Hey, can I help fight in this event thingy as a ally or something ?

No =D
Originally Posted by Bojan77 View Post
Are you gonna have that fight this Saturday/Sunday.
Please, it would be the best.

I'm sorry boj but we are slow in taking decisions.
I suggest you to consider this event ended,from the moment you have just to send the tc to the winner(we need just an observer,that could also be someone else by fl0w,as you said)
Are you interested in my deactivated inventory?
Send a pm to Missuse for trade(NOT TO ME)
Well, the sad news is:
- I won't post any nudity in the future on this forum.
The good news:
- After that image I just can't stop drawing it. I have done some art body studies of the woman body before, but never on the bigger scale... Like past few days. >:}

Also: I can't open new event until I pay out this one, so... I don't wish to hurry you guys, but I hope next week will be the ending week.
why boj?
Give the prize to snake,or to anyone that want it.You could also give it to us from the moment most of that tc come from here and so i don't think we will steal it(even if we are pirates;P).
I'd like to don't have the pressure that,going so slow,we do a "damage" to you..i'd prefer to have time and relax for set this war when everyone can
Are you interested in my deactivated inventory?
Send a pm to Missuse for trade(NOT TO ME)
Ok, I'll contact snake to send you 270 K.
If they win pay them that whole sum.
If they lose, then you need to pay them 100 K (keep the change, or send it back to me cause it was meant to be used for the next event, your decision about that)