I would probably find a good sized boat with alot of room, then ill get a heap load of bait,find a sea water filter(turns sea water into fresh water) then sail out 2 sea living on fish and wate for it to blow over if it ever does....
I would join McBurger in his boat
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
The zombies would decompose, I would imagine this shouldn't take much longer than a year or two. But of course this is once everyone is infected otherwise new infections will happen that take longer to decompose. and there is zombies that are frozen in the artic they will last longer.

Also I'm sure zombies can't swin, but probally don't need oxygen so who is to say a boat is totally safe. I'm taking this to seriously.
Grab a shotgun from god knows where run off to a apartment climb to the highest point shooting any zombies coming my way grab some basic survival stuff and barricade doors and watch the zombies and take them out one by one. I would then hunt for some food and when Im cornered Id jumped out of the window and while im falling im gonna blow out my brains so I wont become a animal and hopefully itll distract the zombies for some people to run or something. I know I would die but its better then feasting off the flesh of others.

PS. I would also join McBurger if I can =p
Last edited by Chickens; May 25, 2009 at 03:09 PM.
the onley problems with a shotgun are:

1, they run out of ammo VERY quickly
2, they kick really freaking hard if you're not used to shooting one.
3, they're short range (so after a couple of yards they're nothing more than an oversized BB gun.) and they can't be used to snipe off zombies at long range. (especially if you live in a 7 story building)
4, the shots scatter and spray in many different directions. (if you're by yourself you're fine, but there is a risk of friendly fire in large groups of survivors.)
5, you constantly need to reload them which takes time away from your shooting. the one i've got is an old single shot and reloading it gets really annoying.

I myself am quite fond of the soviet spring propelled knife. they can be a melee AND a covert short range gun. iwould only resort to it in emergency cases though. like when a lone zombie breaks into your base and you only have time to reach for a small knife before it attacks you.

And if your thinking about giving up and commiting suicide, i would always carry a couple of grenades on me. just because you're screwed doesnt mean your friends are. seperate yourself from the rest of the group, jump in the dead middle of the zombies and blow them all to hell. just like in I am Legend.
Finally got around to doing it. It's pretty long winded so the short version is this. I'd go somewhere with next to no population with decent soil, easily defensible and easy to get to, taking with me all the shit I needed i.e. food, clothes/blankets, tools, some materials for building shit and some cars. Bunk up there in there cars then build a bit of a fort later, go get supplies from town and shit and come back, just continue expanding till it's over.

The attachment contains a guide to surviving a zombie plague outbreak written by me, woo.
Attached Files
My plan greatly varies depending on the said zombie's physical/intelectual prowess. If they were slow, mindless, movie-esque zombies I'd probably grab some reliable people, set myself up on top of a plateau with a large amount of land for building etc. From there we would take shifts defending with people using weapons that we some how looted from the police dept. After a few days we'd run out and die. Yay.
lead Sigma