Originally Posted by ImmortalPig
200 pounds is not obese.

According to his BMI of 30.4, he was obese.
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig
Don't use your relative as an excuse to talk down to others. He is obviously doing what he can and anyone in this thread would praise him for facing such adversary and still managing to overcome what the American apparently can't.

I think you're missing what I'm trying to say the same way hxc is, so I'll quote my reply to him:
Originally Posted by Previous Post
Right, and you're supposed to know about this relative's back pain when you see him walking on the sidewalk?

The point I'm trying to make with this is that your judgement is based on nothing apart from a glimpse, and it is couched in ignorance and arrogance reinforced by your own personal experience.

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Hey look more than two lines.
ITT: Use the most extreme situation possible that affects a very small amount of the obese community.

Yes your cousin is exempt for the "well hes to lazy to lose the weight" Wouldn't you rather it though that a majority of overweight people were there because of an actual medical condition, instead of being lumped in with lazy fat people who are quitters and whiners? Maybe flip the majority? So when you see a fat person you say oh 90% of time they have an actual condition that limits there ability to lose weight, and only 10% of the time its because they are fat lazy slobs? Instead of the opposite?

No these are not real statistics. I'm sure someone will say something about it. Also Arg, no comment on the numbers I crunched to show you how little money you spend eating real food over mcD's? I put like 30 minutes into that come on man.
Originally Posted by Banned View Post
ITT: Use the most extreme situation possible that affects a very small amount of the obese community.

Yes your cousin is exempt for the "well hes to lazy to lose the weight" Wouldn't you rather it though that a majority of overweight people were there because of an actual medical condition, instead of being lumped in with lazy fat people who are quitters and whiners? Maybe flip the majority? So when you see a fat person you say oh 90% of time they have an actual condition that limits there ability to lose weight, and only 10% of the time its because they are fat lazy slobs? Instead of the opposite?

As BoredPayne said, there's no reason to give someone shit for their weight. You can't judge from their appearance only what the source of it is.

Originally Posted by Banned View Post
No these are not real statistics. I'm sure someone will say something about it. Also Arg, no comment on the numbers I crunched to show you how little money you spend eating real food over mcD's? I put like 30 minutes into that come on man.

Originally Posted by Arglax View Post
Ok, I will admit that you can live healthy for not a lot of money then.

f=m*a syens
Arglax, you almost always choose to be fat, don't blame it on addiction. You choose to be addicted to it, addiction is something that can be over come, you aren't born fat and can never lose the weight, most likely you are born a normal child and you fuck up. It can be changed, so don't give people any sympathetic bullshit saying it's not their fault, because you are doing nothing but making them think they can't and shouldn't do anything about it.

People like you are way America is full of fat people, because you are saying it's not their fault... IT MOST LIKELY IS!!! We need to change peoples mindset on obesity, if it is frowned upon by the "healthy" portion of America, then the obese people who don't have a medical complication. (If you are picking on people because they are fat from a medical complication, go die in a ditch after sticking yourself on a sharp stick.) Will want to change their life style so people are no longer looking down on them right? It's human nature as I have stated before, doing something right and making people proud is something that feels good. Disappointing these you care about doesn't feel good, correct? I'm not saying bully the shit out of them until they change, that isn't going to solve anything. But sternly encourage them to change their life style will.

1/3 of America is a normal weight... How fucked up is that sentence, how disgusting does that make you feel if you are American? I bet it makes you feel kinda bad inside, right? But then if you are saying oh, you're fat but that's not your fault. You don't give a shit about the dignity of our country. If you care, you would go to every obese/over-weight person you know and tell them to get their shit together, (Unless of a medical complication.)
So when you see a fat person you say oh 90% of time they have an actual condition that limits there ability to lose weight, and only 10% of the time its because they are fat lazy slobs? Instead of the opposite?

That's not his point. The point is you don't judge people over stastistics, or their look. You don't know them, you don't know every aspects of one's life with a single glance. So instead of judging promptly and vehiculing hate toward a group of people you find physically "inapropriate", you better think long and hard about yourself.
It might be a health condition,or not. Or maybe you'll just judge and hate on the "lazy fat guy" that will cure you future prostate cancer.

Obesity is bad because it's an "epidemic" health issue related to poor education and shitty society, not because some people "don't like fat persons". It is bad, and future generations have to be aware of it, but you don't judge someone for being sick in a moronic society that never taught him to eat healthy. (Pizza's a vegetable)

If you don't like obesity, raise awarness, don't shame fat people, keep your hateful comments for yourself and keep on doing some sports. Everybody will be thankful.

But if you feel like you have the right to judge everyone and be disrespectful for no reasons, well other people will use their right to judge you as a stupid shit talking piece of trash. (This is not me insulting you, I just pushed my exemple to the end)
"You can't judge from their appearance"

Can't is a strong word. See I can judge every person I see on their appearance. Better yet I can deny them a job based on it. Even though its discrimination, I'm the only one who knows. I can quite literally do what ever I want.

"Oh I don't just walk out of my house and start yelling at fat people."
I don't just go out and disrespect them(To their faces at least) for no reason.

"raise awarness"
I'm sorry are people not aware that being fat is bad?

Also I already stated that American school systems should change their P.E curriculum. I didn't even start learning about nutrition until 8th grade, all wrestlers were required to take a weekly class.
Last edited by Banned; Aug 14, 2013 at 01:49 AM.
Originally Posted by Banned View Post
"You can't judge from their appearance"

Can't is a strong word. See I can judge every person I see on their appearance. Better yet I can deny them a job based on it. Even though its discrimination, I'm the only one who knows. I can quite literally do what ever I want.

"I can quite literally do what ever I want"

Not if you want to be a decent human being.
Assuming someone who is overweight is lazy or stuffs their face is equivalent to assuming that someone who has toned muscles is a juiced-up, meat head, douchebag.

There are plenty of people who choose not to exercise, not because they are lazy but because it's not a priority to them. Who the hell are you to negatively judge them? "They don't care about what I care about, so they must be lazy fucks".

Yes, obesity is a major issue in the U.S, but you achieve nothing by putting people down and making assumptions. And judging by the comments in this thread, people seem less concerned about the health impact of obesity and more concerned about shaming people for not fitting into a lifestyle mold.
Last edited by Thellian; Aug 14, 2013 at 02:37 AM.
My signature sucks
Originally Posted by dupbuck View Post

People like you are way America is full of fat people, because you are saying it's not their fault...

Yep. It's people like me.
Of course it's not the dirt cheap fast food that's available everywhere,
it's not the American mindset of "if it can be done the easy way, we'll do it that way",
It's not the lack of awareness in schools.
Nope. It's people like me who feel sad when someone's being picked on for their weight. Definitely that.
f=m*a syens
Originally Posted by Arglax View Post
Yep. It's people like me.
Of course it's not the dirt cheap fast food that's available everywhere

Again. Please stop blaming the prices if you've admitted twice now that eating really really healthy good food is just as cheap. A box of pasta is 1330 kcals with great macros, and is under $1.50, making Pasta, EVEN whole wheat pasta, cheaper and providing more kcals than 2 Double Cheeseburgers at Mcdonalds for $2.12 which has 880kcals, AND waay to much fat, not to mention 3 transfat.
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