[Quote]I looked through your posts and got some pms about you:S.
Well you can't be in. Try again laaater.[Quote]
hmm y exactly cant i be in im pretty good.......
TLN:Who are you?

...WHO AM I!? WHO AM I!?


In otherwords: IDK, my BFF Lilly
Last edited by StickDude; Jan 20, 2008 at 09:18 PM. Reason: Oops
Originally Posted by veb View Post
Back in the day when I played 8 hours a day (before 2.0) I had many dreams about rotating stuff. When I'm watching a match I just hold down left or right and:YOU SPIN ME RIGHT ROUND BABY, RIGHT ROUND!

StickDude is a member:S, but really unactive lately...
And tlen is second most useful guy in RA, after me, Dude... :S

Funny you don't know each other.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
Stickdude? Who's Stickdude.
I know of no Stickdude.


<pirate> wow i almost threw up from sneezing rofl
Originally Posted by mordecai View Post
Stickdude? Who's Stickdude.
I know of no Stickdude.


He fytes fer jestis! For 'll katkaind.!!!1!11oneone!!!1!one!!eleven!O.O
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
Ooh ooh! I know a StickDude! Hes my neighbor....hes so hot! XD

Anyways, TLN, Im hurtested!
Originally Posted by veb View Post
Back in the day when I played 8 hours a day (before 2.0) I had many dreams about rotating stuff. When I'm watching a match I just hold down left or right and:YOU SPIN ME RIGHT ROUND BABY, RIGHT ROUND!

Yo sahee i want to join the clan.
maybe u remember me, we've fighted before, and think this clan is so cool.
a bit about myself: im an anime/manga fan (NARUTO 4EVER!!!) and im kinda nerdy, but still a bit new on this.
after we met im trying to make my fighting style relaxed and stuff.
it would be cool if i can join this clan xD