Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Actually, I'd want full control over my body, including being able to strengthen my muscles and use my brain to it's full potential. :3
The ability to gain all the abilities you want? Like three wishes and you wish 1.000.000 wishes
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.
to change everything when i want to , including reality and things alike
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Well, I'd like to explain to you that there are a lot of downsides to "superhuman abilities"

1: Immortality
Yeah yeah, you'll get sick of it etc etc, but there are more morbid downsides, being; The older you are, the slower your brain reacts and works. This means, the older you are, the faster time seems to pass before you can react. Remember how that summer-break seemed to be eternity in primary school? Well, the opposite will happen when you're 500 years old. 50 years will seem like a day, and you'll have your beloved ones die without you even knowing.

2: Invisibility

Well, everyone who suggested this pretty much doesn't understand human anatomy.
Do you know how the eye works? Well, it's basically a miniature mirror which projects rays of lightning onto light-sensitive nerve cells. If you would take the mirror part away (Which you would, if you were invisible) your eyes would fail to function, thus leaving you blind.

3: Teleportation:
Teleportation comes down to this: Disappear somewhere, and re-appear somewhere else. That's what most of you think happens. Now, think about this: Aren't the input (The one who teleports) and the output (The person which ends up in the desired location) different entities? Many scientists agreed that if we were to be teleporting, the original one would die, and only a COPY of the original one would be 'constructed' on the desired location. This means that every time someone teleports, he dies, and someone with the same characteristics, memories etc. is born.

This is pure theoretically, but here's another 'downside': Noone ever mentioned teleporting items. Clothes, for example.

Yeah, Cracked is awesome.
f=m*a syens