Quick update released.
Need to see why it was banned and fix that though before i release a version that isnt banned.
For the special thing you might do for people that payed,

i was thinking 2 things

1. The ability to change the SBot's name. :o

2. Simple commands
Originally Posted by jcgrey2 View Post
2. Simple commands

yes it seems to be. at least mine wont connect.
as far as special things for those of us whom have paid. I like that your old bot would respond to certain phrases. is there any way to incorporate this feature?
well i dont know why the bot was re banned anyway because the 2nd time round there was nothing wrong with it if you downloaded thr slower net version.
hampa proberly banned it cos it sends the info 2 fast on the faster 1.
so blam u might wana keep coding using the slower less bandwidth taking one