Belt: 2th Dan black belt
Rank: was number 1 month ago but there was lots of problem about my case so im 2868.
Age: can't tell sorry
Best mods: minekido (rank 11), greykido (rank 1)*
Worst mods: nothing
Ingame activity: 0-1 ( reason: I broke my PC so i can only go to forums on mobile.)
Forum activity:10 (most online player)
Why do you wanna join ? Only to make some friends.
Have you read the rules? Yeah.


*that was my rank month ago.

$omething to add : One of best marketeer, also I'm an alt,Had a previous account named Feed,(hack) and I was master belt.

Thanks for reading my apply, hope you enjoyed.
Last edited by fantomeex; Mar 6, 2014 at 11:32 PM.
Originally Posted by fantomeex View Post
Belt: 2th Dan black belt
Rank: was number 1 month ago but there was lots of problem about my case so im 2868.
Age: can't tell sorry
Best mods: minekido (rank 11), greykido (rank 1)*
Worst mods: nothing
Ingame activity: 0-1 ( reason: I broke my PC so i can only go to forums on mobile.)
Forum activity:10 (most online player)
Why do you wanna join ? Only to make some friends.
Have you read the rules? Yeah.


*that was my rank month ago.

$omething to add : One of best marketeer, also I'm an alt,Had a previous account named Feed,(hack) and I was master belt.

Thanks for reading my apply, hope you enjoyed.

Hmmmm.i see lot of lies."greykido rank 1" , "was number 1". Your recent match was march 5 2014,when did you broke ur PC?.Only to make friends,nothing else?."Most online player" if yer the most online player you should get 5000+post. That's a HELL NO! from me.And stop lying just for a clan pls.

I was thinking the same like FeedMeMore.
And actually you get auto rejected, because the app is not free-form.
Huh. U don't believe me? Fine, ask a moderator and you'll see. I said it was month ago feedmemore.
Nvm if u change ur idea. Don't want to join anymore.
Fantom,even ur rank said "Most Online Player" and I can't believe that .

And if yer rank 1,how the hell I can beat u easily in greykido (ur alt ultravault)?