i totally agree but some users have computer problems or even blow a fuse and that causes an accidental disconect. my computer is messed up and it randomly disconects when i play games including toribash even when im winning a match.
If you rage quit in official tourneys you don't get tc but not banned... I would wish you can't quit the tourney until its over or you lost...
I'm ready for my daily dose of cringe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Or just make it so that disconnecting would be equal to a loss and the other guy wins and if in the finals of a tourney one guys is afk, make it so that if enough games have been played, the other guy still wins because t gets annoying when the tourney restarts over and you worked your way up the finals.
@akufuncture: You have a genius mind, I support your idea.
㋡ My TB A$AP Homies ㋡
[PS4 - Xx_MeekMill_xX]
I have a messy connection too, and once had a power outage. However, the message on timeout differs from the one when a player quits in another way, so ragequitters could be found out and penalized while the ping timeouts would not.

Personally, I would be ok with the general assumption that disconnect=loss, regardless of reasons. There are many matches to be played and losing one is not a dramatic happening.
What will happen if for example someone pings, or player should really quit and no time for game, this idea will never been accepted, one suggestion is that rage quitters should be banned for 5 minutes after for 10 minutes 1 hour 2 hours and never if rage quits are game after game not durring the whole toribash career, recognize that in this life you rage quited one or two times, it's understandable.

System could be like on iphone or ipad about lock keys.
I support the idea 95% all ragequit and all of that should not have a penalty. But! in tournaments yes.
Ninjutsu Club.
Ninjutsu Club Leader.

Retired, at least for now.
Simply something such as withdrawing 5 Qi if you leave a match within a tourney in-game.
㋡ My TB A$AP Homies ㋡
[PS4 - Xx_MeekMill_xX]
I think that discounting elo-points (something from 2-5) should do the trick, given that most people ragequit because of the rank (according to my experience). I'm quite sure that this would be easy to implement, too.
I find it unnecessary to ban a player due to ragequitting, though. Simply because it can happen unintentionally (even quite frequently if you have, say, disconnection problems). An idea would also be to subtract a certain amount of tc for each ragequit, to scare away folks who don't care about the rank.
If a player quits during a final match of 0a tournament I'd suggest that the other player wins it, if he has atleast 2 wins before that.
“War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin, keep out of the way till you can.” - Winston Churchill