well. i could say *WARING SPOILER ALERT*

there a terrorist called makarov who wants to take revenge on imran zakaheavs death. He is creating havoc all around the world and basically the us army and task forces are trying to stop him. (there's more to the story but it will take to long to type up)
to be honest the presentation and the content of the story isn't impressive - it tries to appear "cool" and all that crap - but in the end it sort of feels like a bad conspiracy video
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
I think its a very good story... also the first codmow I liked the story on. (bad grammar I know but I dont care to fix it)
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
The best game in the world in my opinion is Final Fantasy VII

The story and the soundtrack blew my mind. And the graphics weren't bad when the game came out. And how they introduced Sephiroth was hectic. He became my favorite videogame character instantly when he was shown in your party and in some fighting scenes, where you had only seen your Cloud hit like 200 damage, Sephiroth would swing his two meter katana and deal like 3900 in one hit. That left a nice impression.

Also, his hair rocks. And I am not talking about the advent children redone hair.
I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black
Agreed ^

Also, anyone try Cod MW2? I did, it has stunning and impressive SP stuff, but for MP, it lacks plenty of detail. I once shot a window open with the window still remaining.
Originally Posted by OldJoe View Post
The best game in the world in my opinion is Final Fantasy VII

The story and the soundtrack blew my mind. And the graphics weren't bad when the game came out. And how they introduced Sephiroth was hectic. He became my favorite videogame character instantly when he was shown in your party and in some fighting scenes, where you had only seen your Cloud hit like 200 damage, Sephiroth would swing his two meter katana and deal like 3900 in one hit. That left a nice impression.

Also, his hair rocks. And I am not talking about the advent children redone hair.

i am surfing around and i read "Final Fantasy VII" you will never guess what DVD i am copying to my HDD at the moment XD
[Pandora] I can't appreciate another day in Heaven without another day in Hell [Anime United]
Originally Posted by kolosus View Post
Agreed ^

Also, anyone try Cod MW2? I did, it has stunning and impressive SP stuff, but for MP, it lacks plenty of detail. I once shot a window open with the window still remaining.

1. i was stalking about Cod mw2 so try looking back a page or 2

2. you have no right to be here. so GET OUT!
Michstaa, its a rly old post by now, you sillypie <3

Also, grimreaper, play the original game. Its worth more than its worth :P
I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black