Agreed. Sorry I haven't been on too, JollyR isn't cutting me any slack. If I want to get in, then I have to be on when they are on... which is pretty much all day. :l I will try my best to check back here more though.
Originally Posted by WolfIce View Post
Agreed. Sorry I haven't been on too, JollyR isn't cutting me any slack. If I want to get in, then I have to be on when they are on... which is pretty much all day. :l I will try my best to check back here more though.

Lol I don't remember seeing you almost at all in the Jolly servers but it could be just me.

As a tip, if you're not from Europe then you'll have trouble finding the time to play with the guys.
Originally Posted by Zalmoxis View Post
Lol I don't remember seeing you almost at all in the Jolly servers but it could be just me.

As a tip, if you're not from Europe then you'll have trouble finding the time to play with the guys.

I have a European background. Trust me, I think I will do fine.
Originally Posted by LWafflez View Post
He means, they live in Europe. You live in the USA. GMT difference.

I see them in-game pretty often. I don't think the GMT will matter much so long as I am able to at least see them for a couple of hours. Aj esspecially, he is on all day my GMT :P
Originally Posted by LWafflez View Post
He means, they live in Europe. You live in the USA. GMT difference.


Nobody cares about your nationality here in Jolly. There are people from all across Europe in the clan.
Originally Posted by Zalmoxis View Post

Nobody cares about your nationality here in Jolly. There are people from all across Europe in the clan.

I have said it once and I will say it again. I see the members in this clan in-game pretty often. Just because you don't see me doesn't me I don't play with them.
Originally Posted by Glitch View Post
Zalmoxis: Why change your name? It was all 1337 and such.

I'll list the motives since it will be easier :P

1. Too many devils in the toribash community.
2. I could have been ( and was) associated with Devil, by mistake. And that was bad imo.
3. No numbers in it, which is a +.
4. This one is unique and I don't know anybody with a name even similar to this.

It was for the best imo.
being associated with devil would have been enough for me

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.