Your real name :Raphaël
What is your belt : Blue
How old are you :16
Ingame activity(1-10) :10
Forum activity(1-10) :5
Why do you want to join this clan :solitary life is not fun
What mod you good at :aikido
What is your Special Talent :none
alright well considring draedraes is banned, and pranit doesn't seem to be very active, who here objects to me taking charge for a little while
Hi Friends! :)
BlueSka: No for now, work on belt and your forum activity and try to find something you;re good at too put in special talent

Originally Posted by smosh023 View Post
That's good, you should keep this clan alive until they will come back

yeah Im planing on it smosh, im taking over for a lil bit ahahah
Last edited by imTHATgood; Apr 30, 2013 at 11:46 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hi Friends! :)
Just a Warning, if you are inactive for more then 15 days without notifying a leader of the group then you are at risk of being removed from [Skill]
Hi Friends! :)
Your real name :Valdemar Munch Stidsen
What is your belt : Blue QI: ~330
How old are you :13
Ingame activity(1-10) :9
Forum activity(1-10) :6
Why do you want to join this clan :i want somebody to play WITH, not against.
What mod you good at :Taekkyon, joustingfixed(easy..),
What is your Special Talent :i am designing texture's for NiceKE and slam-dunk in jousting
NinjaTorsk: I played with you in-game and you're a fairly good player, but because of the way im doing recruitment's atm contact me when you reach brown belt and ill accept you. In the mean time, work on that forum activity.
Hi Friends! :)
Alrighty guys, ive tried to stick around but considering we are struggling to get new good players into the clan, and all the current members are never online and bearly use the fourms ive decided to leave skill and reunite with a more active clan, for those who wish to join me you must be 2nd dna and over and you'll have to contact me
Hi Friends! :)