Originally Posted by avwave View Post
I propose we do a soft ban on "n"-prefixed words, starting with users like Nearly and quite possibly Nuthug

please don't ban me this forum is my life if you ban me I'll die.

also as my mom once said its not how you mean it its how people take it. on the topic about "the n word" so yeah.

Originally Posted by AzureMage View Post
That's ridiculous, why would you use a word knowing that many people take offense to it knowing that you could easily something else.

not everyone seems to care about avoiding offending people or something I guess.

Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
what I can say is Azuremage is absolutely right about the double standard. If Deakmaniac made the mod and thread, you all would have wanted a 3 month ban and told him to kill himself.

I think you need to stop thinking you can generalize everyone like that, personally, I would have cared as much as I did about culapou getting banned for whatever. which was/is next to none. haven't even played the mod yet.
Last edited by Nearly; Jan 17, 2014 at 06:47 PM.
wow that
some people don't like the word because of it's history. I think that's understandable.
this generation seems to come up with a lot of crazy words, you can think of something else to say, surely?
Nigger - A black person that be mad frontin causing all sorts of trouble with everyone around him or her.

Nigga - The chill black dude getting stoned is no nigger.

Tupac made the word nigger into nigga Not some white kid. The definition and attitude in the inflectio of the word drastically changes.

Say Nigger without sounding like an ass wipe then say nigga, my nigga's who aren't niggers

You can ask any black person from the hood about the difference between nigger and nigga.
The white wash black folk would only know one side of the story.
Last edited by T0ribush; Jan 17, 2014 at 09:25 PM.
Nigger - A black person that be mad frontin causing all sorts of trouble with everyone around him or her.

Nigga - The chill black dude getting stoned is no nigger.

Tupac made the word nigger into nigga Not some white kid. The definition and attitude in the inflectio of the word drastically changes.

Say Nigger without sounding like an ass wipe then say nigga, my nigga's who aren't niggers

You can ask any black person from the hood about the difference between nigger and nigga.
The white wash black folk would only know one side of the story.

Damn, that post just spoke to my soul.
(I am African American)
While I won't divulge how I personally feel about the Deut vs. Culapou debacle as I feel it's wrong for any staff to speak out about another staff's decision, what I can say is Azuremage is absolutely right about the double standard. If Deakmaniac made the mod and thread, you all would have wanted a 3 month ban and told him to kill himself.

I somewhat agree aside from your opinion on the n word.
Last edited by poop; Jan 17, 2014 at 09:33 PM.
Oldschooler | Evolution
I think the best way to fix this is adding a forum for shitty useless and stupid threads
Where u can post anything
Remember the test forum that happens a month ago?
Where I was the local mod of it
That made me and a lot of other members very happy
The rules I wrote was small
Please make one again and to I bash will be fixed
And there is a lot of stupid members here(no offence)(I maybe one of them)
Just because there is some stupid members
Mods treats all members as stupid
That what I think
Last edited by scorpionma; Jan 17, 2014 at 10:04 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
INB4 14 days ban
Originally Posted by scorpionma View Post
I think the best way to fix this is adding a forum for shitty useless and stupid threads
Where u can post anything

It's called the Prime & VIP boards.

You want to be a shit poster who posts shit? Pay for it.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
The promised time has come, I'm closing this thread on the grounds that it doesn't seem to be going anywhere and has derailed to the point of no return. I hope someone learned something.
Last edited by AzureMage; Jan 19, 2014 at 12:14 AM.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos