Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
Nah AP nid is good for poke comps, like dig's strat with AP Nid + Cait and the game lasted like an hour. You pick bruiser nid to win top lane most of the time, her damage is alright i guess but not top tier.

Her ability to survive, escape, etc. compensates for her lack of damage in bruiser. She helps the team a ton more with better pushing, tankiness, and ability to stay alive. I mean, she has a heal with a great base amount, good utility with both of her W skills, and an amazing passive for staying alive.

I play both of them on my smurf and i've had more success late game as bruiser. AP snowballs so hard, but if you can't get rolling with an early game kill, enemies can easily slow you, get to you, and kill you if you do not have enough damage or tankiness.
ok, I've been playing kat again recently (mainly because new christmas skin ^^) and well, no matter who i verse mid (morg, morde and someone else who i cant remember :/) i've been positive. yayayayaya

also i'm the worst brand ever.... EVER
My team played go4lol today and got in the final 16, only to get stomped by Objective eSports whom were all diamond. We have yet to get knocked out by a non-sponsored/pro team yet in go4lol. Ha.

We were under the name of "Cupcake Graveyard". If you click the "vs" between the names of the teams, you can see the stats of the game.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Originally Posted by purangel View Post
And why? Brand's an easy champ

He must have lost his W and E key. That's the only way you can lose as Brand.

And your enemies have to be pretty stupid to lose consistently to Kat. Sure she's strong, but she's still not a surefire pick in lane and even team fights. I've won against Kats even as people who she's a counterpick to, like Xerath, cause you just adapt your playstyle appropriately. Heck, I've had a ton of fun landing my E as Xerath when she runs up, then deliberately using my first proc of ult on top of myself because it's so blatantly obvious she's going to shunpo on me. Easy rape ensues. And once they start to adapt, it becomes blatantly obvious then as well. People can only disguise their intentions only so well while you have vision. Once you learn how every champ plays, it becomes easy to play against the player rather than the champion.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I'm over LoL for a while.
Guild Wars 2 is just too good,
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
He must have lost his W and E key. That's the only way you can lose as Brand.

no, i just cant hit his shit against a kassadin.
Speaking of nidalee, I just dominated a 1v2 top as bruiser nidalee (first death, my computer froze, came back dead, lvl 1). I went 6/2/12

As AP mid, I went 7/1/7

Bruiser felt better, and I wasn't always on the run. I contributed alot more in team fights rather than nuking from the back.

How can you have that small amout of gold after 4 hours of playing?
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Originally Posted by Mongius View Post
How can you have that small amout of gold after 4 hours of playing?

The game wasn't 4 hours long. It was 4 hours ago when the game ended, when I took the screenshot. I took a 3 hour break inbetween the games.