Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Colossus View Post
^ Unless you've already played him before and you know that you're good with him but you just didn't buy it yet for another reason.

No, you can literally not play a character you do not own in ranked. It is physically impossible.
Originally Posted by Ed View Post
Please do not listen to your brother.

You can use whatever champ you want.

Shut up Mr first time Yorick top lane with a score that showed you didn't participate in team fights.
New Zealand

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<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Originally Posted by BladesOnToast View Post
Maybe I should wait until i have full diamond badges on normal to play more ranked..

I was watching one of Scarra's streams and he said that he only had ~200 wins when he started ranked. He thought he learned more from ranked too which is probably true as far as some things go but it's always nice to try out new champs you buy without elo being on the line.
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
I was watching one of Scarra's streams and he said that he only had ~200 wins when he started ranked.

either he was a pro already, or he screwed his elo in the first season, like me..
1st thing i made when i reached lvl 30 was playing a ranked, got focused to play support(i didnt even onwed a support, i picked soraka who was free this week...) never ever played until this point support, didnt even knew how to place wards correctly...
had 1000~ elo after the first 10 matches, tried to carry up but just fell more until i was at 800, highest i reached then was something at 950~

so i would rate not to play directly ranked if u reach lvl 30, make atleast around 1k matches at all, get your fav. lane get your fav. champs on all lanes, get more champs at all to have a bigger amount for countering the enemy and THEN start screwing your elo.. because then u reached a lvl where u can blame your team, because youre so pro!
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Originally Posted by Uric View Post
Shut up Mr first time Yorick top lane with a score that showed you didn't participate in team fights.

Push lane all day. Proceeded to shit on zeds face while getting camped 1v3 top np

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Originally Posted by Solax View Post
I was watching one of Scarra's streams and he said that he only had ~200 wins when he started ranked. He thought he learned more from ranked too which is probably true as far as some things go but it's always nice to try out new champs you buy without elo being on the line.

I started ranked at like ~150 wins...I have like ~250 wins now...1250 elo like a boss, haha [ATLEAST I HAVEN'T TOTALLY SUCKED MY WAY INTO HELL!(Plus I've only played like...13 matches...)]. Also, I haven't learned crap from actual ranked gameplay...I've only learned things from playing with others with more wins and actually thinking more (I play support so...I gotta think of combos and shit)...
Last edited by Muur; Jan 15, 2013 at 04:32 AM.
What i've found out in my ranked games (S2 and S3);

I'm a pretty fucking amazing support ONLY in ranked D:!!
I can't mid for shit in ranked.
I get carried in jungle.
It's a 50/50 with top lane.
My last hitting as ADC is amazing, i just struggle with my support cause 8/10 times they want to be full on aggressive, be pushed, forget to ward and get ganked...
Originally Posted by Muur View Post
. Also, I haven't learned crap from actual ranked gameplay...I've only learned things from playing with others with more wins and actually thinking more (I play support so...I gotta think of combos and shit)...

Only thing I've learnt from rankeds is that you gotta carry hard.
..Mkay, yeah, I practiced my ADC in rankeds too, because I couldn't do that in Normals. I was shitty ADC and those people were too good. ;_;

People should stop carrying me in normals and instead carry me in rankeds. ;_;
The only thing I am horrible at in this point is support, I get way too many deaths being a support in ranked and my team gets pissed at me and just quits, I do get my adc fed thou most of the time.

Originally Posted by Colossus View Post
^ Unless you've already played him before and you know that you're good with him but you just didn't buy it yet for another reason.

Are you talking about solo/duoQ?
as far as i know, you can play freeweek champs in ranked teams, but you have to own the champ for solo/duoQ
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