Since you are a gm now you should know that the sense of this thread is that clan members can offer and trade items with each other.

And I really don't think that it was made for (more or less) random people to link their market threads. If we are interested in buying someone's deactivated, we can go to the market sub-forum on our own and search for threads.
Zock, Take a chill pill mate-ho, He is a Friend of the clan.

From Now on Clan Members and Clan FRIENDS-You will know when you're a Clan Friend- can Post in ANY Thread of the Clan.(If According to rules)
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
That's Perfectly fine Zock, I to have made posts while angry and must say it is some what like driving angry, Bad xD
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Damn it.

Destroying of good connection with Destram was successful.
Continuing being an asshole

(Imagine a GlaDOS like voice when you read that)
Last edited by Zockinator; Jun 11, 2014 at 05:30 PM.
Okay, back to market business:

If anyone of you wants to sell a 512x512 joint texture, ask here first please, since I decided to start buying 512x512 joint textures. Okay? Good.
I'm warning you, cow! ;)