Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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C# for Unity
Lately, I've been coding in C# for Unity.

I wanted to see who else is doing this kinda thing too! Share some of your project ideas, what you've accomplished, etc. with programming here!
I am working with c++ with unreal engine. So far I made a little escape room game and currently working on a tank game.

I do wanna try unity one day as they have a very nice asset store
I've been developing stuff with Unity for a little more than 3 months now, feel free to PM me if you're stuck with something and need help or if you have questions about general things. Also, the official documentation and videos on youtube are your best friend. When I first started, doing the first three tutorials on the website taught me a lot about how objects and scripts behave. It had almost nothing to do with traditional desktop application development with C#.
Last edited by hipotibor; May 4, 2017 at 10:49 PM.
Originally Posted by Vin786
I am working with c++ with unreal engine. So far I made a little escape room game and currently working on a tank game.

I do wanna try unity one day as they have a very nice asset store

That's awesome man! You should share a download link or something when you feel it's ready for some testing, I'd love to do that.

Originally Posted by hipotibor
I've been developing stuff with Unity for a little more than 3 months now, feel free to PM me if you're stuck with something and need help or if you have questions about general things. Also, the official documentation and videos on youtube are your best friend. When I first started, doing the first three tutorials on the website taught me a lot about how objects and scripts behave. It had almost nothing to do with traditional desktop application development with C#.

That's dope. I started learning java back during the 4th grade summer, and continued with minecraft mods up until 6th grade. I picked up C# and Unity near the beginning of 6th grade and have been trying to learn ever since (currently 7th). As of now I've got the basics down, still trying to code a first person controller script from scratch, but it's fun. I'll definitely keep that in mind.
I have just got into coding, I learned all kinds of stuff about c++ when I was 14 so I could make a 2D side scroll platform game, like uhm, Mario, or something. So i needed to relearn since C# is the new thing and I am learning it on SoloLearn, a cool site/phone application you can learn any kind of code you really want to learn. So I mean an idea for me would be like a 2D scrolling platform game, which I did end up making and lost it. I am 18 now and well I need to learn coding anyways since I am getting into Astronomy/Astrophysics and all. That is what I will be going to college for, and I will being doing the more computer science side of it. I am great with computers, just been too lazy to learn code, and when i was younger i didn't have access to resources i could learn code with. XD
Originally Posted by MrMiyagy View Post
I have just got into coding, I learned all kinds of stuff about c++ when I was 14 so I could make a 2D side scroll platform game, like uhm, Mario, or something. So i needed to relearn since C# is the new thing and I am learning it on SoloLearn, a cool site/phone application you can learn any kind of code you really want to learn. So I mean an idea for me would be like a 2D scrolling platform game, which I did end up making and lost it. I am 18 now and well I need to learn coding anyways since I am getting into Astronomy/Astrophysics and all. That is what I will be going to college for, and I will being doing the more computer science side of it. I am great with computers, just been too lazy to learn code, and when i was younger i didn't have access to resources i could learn code with. XD

That's awesome man! Good luck with that. Over the summer I am going to be taking a college class, and another in the fall, ultimately aiming for a degree in computer science as well.
I'm going idiot mode and making a C# engine as a side project, but I currently use LÖVE for some games.
Been thinking about learning Swift for some iOS stuff too, I don't know if I should do that though. Does anyone here have any experience with it?
Well I am not getting a degree in computer science, a degree in Astronomy/Astrophysics, it is more computer based. Lel

Also, how is that going idiot mode? That just sounds like a good fun time man, lel. XD

I just wish i could code better and all, I never got too much learning in it and it is disappointing to me...
Coming to my final year for uni and I made a small mobile game project using Unity in C#. Not on the app store or anything but it was a fun experience and I will be making some other projects. Not sure if I'll stick with Unity though.

EDIT: All this talk of computer science degrees makes me want to weigh in - you don't do a tremendous amount of coding (you do a bit by ways of projects, but you're not always assessed on your coding skill) over actual techincal sciency stuff and math. If you want to learn how to code you're better off looking for software development style degrees (if there are any) or apprenticeships/internships in places looking for developers. At least that's my experience over here.
Last edited by Gynx; May 4, 2017 at 11:45 PM.
collect snots from the nose
Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
Coming to my final year for uni and I made a small mobile game project using Unity in C#. Not on the app store or anything but it was a fun experience and I will be making some other projects. Not sure if I'll stick with Unity though.

Congrats man! What did you go to college for? I'd assume something relative to computers lol.