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My Video CnC Series
So for the past few weeks, to little fanfare, I've been running a video series where I talk in depth about replays that are submitted to me. So far, I haven't gotten much attention, but the attention that I have gotten has been largely positive. Thus, I've decided that I should try and get more people aware of it.

So, if you would, check out a few of my videos, send replays in, I'll talk about them. I figure the more replays I get the better for the community this project is. If you have any suggestions about how I can make the series better, just tell me and I'll see what I can do.

Here's my latest video:
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
I guess i sent my last replay a bit late, but nvm. If you still have it, feel free to use it in the next episode, that is if you have space for it.

But anyways, I was there from the start, and I must say, having a great replaymaker CnC your replays in voice, just feels much better than reading text, not that I am lazy. Great work so far, keep it up !
i love you. This is literally the best idea anyone ever had. Besides bacon sandwiches.

I'll send in a replay as soon as I finish it bbycakes.