Original Post


Once upon a time there was a magnificent warrior. His name was Laststroke. He was from one of the three great nations call Valmor, Hedidan and Exzero. He was born in Exzero. In war, he was able to use anything to create a weapon. He was made head of his nations military weapons construction. So one day when Valmor betrayed Exzero and sent an army to over through it. His men were losing, the people of Exzero started to lose faith. So he created this ultimate weapon of there time. Thee AK-47, he sent one-hundred men into battle with this new weapon. They wiped the intruding nation and the king of Exzero sent 5,000 men with that weapon to destroy Valmor. After his invention and his death he was named " The Legend of Exzero ".

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Any specific skills such as judo, wushu etc... or art and marketing:
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Also if some one has a job that you want or you think you can do better at, send me an pm. me and i will set a date for you two to fight for that position.

Last edited by laststroke; Dec 7, 2011 at 07:20 AM.