Original Post
hey folks
Keeno here

I make funny videos

the latest one is a spoof of "You've Been Framed" - But with animals sex ;)
have a look if you fancy, it's pretty funny

looking forward to kicking some arse!


First i must say, wth is with your video? haha thats messed up.
Second. Welcome to Toribash. I hope you like it so far. Im sure slycooper will post soon with all of the information you'll need to get started. So, until then; I hope you enjoy TB, and i hope i get to fight you really soon =]

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Hey Kenno,

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Some of your videos are pretty funny , it looks like you put a lot of work into them. You'd be a kind of player that stands out from others here. And maybe you'll learn a few things about toribash video making!
Welcome, also lol'd at your vids xD

Hilarious, great work, I can't wait 'til you do stuff related to Toribash ^^
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
Originally Posted by Tempo View Post
Hilarious, great work, I can't wait 'til you do stuff related to Toribash ^^

Agreed, I too look forward to what you might produce relevant to to ToriBash.