Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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[Tutorial - NanoSuit2 Head - by 8OJ4N]

Hello, again! This time I'm gonna show u the process of making the head texture NanoSuit2, inspired by Crysis2. You will see which programs I use and how am I doing some stuff. I hope some of this will help u in the future when u want to earn some money :P.

[Warning! If u stole this head u will probably be banned and branded with the red letter T (for Thief)! So, don't! No one have permission to use this texture cause it is a first prize gift for the Piratez event thingy. I will contact KitiFox! :P]

Lets begin.
I loaded reference image for the look and the colors to Macromedia Flash 7.

After I found this reference image I opened my trusty Macromedia Flash player 7 and started drawing the basic lines for this head. I use Flash cause it has nice line smoothing option and all the lines are in vector format, that means u can scale your work and always have the same sharpness and quality.

As u can see, I work on the half of the head then I rescale the canvas and just copy and flip horizontally other half. If I want to add differences to the left and right side of the head I can always do that on separate layer latter. After I finished the basic lines I exported it to Photoshop and made the head whole, just to test the mapping.

So, I have copy-paste and flip horizontally that half and then flatten layers and saved this basic draw to JPG format and then imported to Gimp to make animate spiny and see the mapping. Mapping was bad, face was too low and the visor was to wide. As u can see...

So, back to Photoshop to fix this. I have cut the 'face' with visor and push it up, then squeezed the whole thing a bit. Then add the layer below and done the basic coloring using that reference image to pick my colors. Layer with the lines was above and the properties of the layer I put to multiply.

Now the time was to add shading using burn and dodge tools. Making the shadow beneath the visor and the glow on top. Some smudge tool was used to make nice color grads. Then special layer above all for the visor coloring. I used brushes with different size and opacity, worked on details and after an hour latter this came out:

Special dirty look is a filter called Mister Retro. Now all that was left it to flatten layers and export image to gimp and make this spiny for the whole preview. That is it. Head is not finished yet I have to correct some things and add more details latter before someone got this as a first prize. Thank you.

Last edited by 8OJ4N; Apr 14, 2010 at 12:55 PM.
a bit bigger visor would be better I believe. I got quite interested in this dirt layer of yours, since I only use the basic filters in ps. Where can I get this Mister Retro? or something simular to it.
Wow dude, i see that u really love making tutorials...
Ill try out to do head like that.
And i am big fan of Crysis <3
I want cookies!
Nice tutorial.
Good job at applying your "Art Rage" skills and style in to making a head tutorial. This will help a wider range of people. It definitely helped me.
Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post

[Warning! If u stole this head u will probably be banned and branded with the red letter T (for Thief)! So, don't! No one have permission to use this texture cause it is a first prize gift for the Piratez event thingy. I will contact KitiFox! :P]

He's not selling it.
He's giving it away as a prize.