Thanks for the invite bud, happy to be here
Last edited by desu; Oct 19, 2014 at 11:11 PM.
We should get a recruitment thread going

Also the bank has to play at least 20 games before it can trade
I made one, I need to make a banner for the clan page though. I'm working on playing 20 games for the bank, it should be done pretty soon.

It's going to take a little bit to get this clan running properly, we'll get it there.
Holy hecto we got 2WC to join? I think that's an achievement itself
Well I am currently doing exams irl but they're nearly over only two to go ferk yer

Ingame i'm trying to save up 100k for a name change
Oh wow exams already? Gl man, you'll need it. I can help you out with that name change if you want. Also, my mom took my computer away for a few days, so I won't really be active.
I was told to post here by woof but I dont know what to post so I thought to myself, "Hey why not have a fun little riddle game".... First one to guess my favorite band and my favorite member of that band gets an internet cookie. Your hint is ttMahwe Satni Calrie

It is a scrambled version of the real name of the clan member, unscrambling it will allow you to find the answers <3