Original Post
MM: Clanwars
So to make our clan activer and more entertaining we will do clanwars and events and all now.

This thread is for our CLANWAR things.
Offtopics will be deleted!

Things we need for clanwars:

- Atleast 3 Active Members
- A clan we want to fight
- Training before we do clanwar
- Acceptance of the other clan to fight
- Date and time

My GMT is +2 German Summertime.
We will do about 2-3 days before the clanwar starts a training.
It will always be at about 18:00 GMT +1 (So for all Germans: 19:00)

If you have a clan ready to battle us tell us here!

Upcoming Clanwar:

Won Clanwars:

Lost Clanwars:
I suggest something for the next clanwar.

- YOU let us decide what mod , your not the only one here.
- WE wanna be sure who we fight you dont have to take one whitout asking memebers.
Meow :3
[Duck] [OLDA]
- Ok i will consider you to vote too it was a fault.
- I asked you guys and you gave me NO answer so i did choose one pff.
maybe you meant that i didnt write who we fight thats right i didnt ask you guys before

BUT i wrote about 2-3 times and asked what mod we shoud play you guys didnt answer

thats what i meant if you missunderstood lol