Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Want to join [Kick]? - Sign up here.
Post here if you would like to join Kick.

Note, you -MUST- be -BLACK BELT- at the time of your post, otherwise we will not even consider your application. Use the form below, or tell us the info we want in a well sorted manner (first impression goes a long way), good luck.

Real Life Name and Age:
Belt (you MUST be at least black):
How long have you been playing? (multiplayer):
Where would you like to be tested? (mode NOT mod):
Do you have AIM/MSN? If so, PM (Samule/Suede/Dalir):
Any last words? (anything you'd like to say goes here):

If I post accepting your post, PM me with what day and time you want to be tested and we'll figure something out.

3-3: I changed a few of the questions.
Last edited by Samule; May 27, 2008 at 04:55 PM. Reason: Added a little bit ~Dalir
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
How long have you been playing?:5 month
Where would you like to be tested?:judo,wushu,jousting,freestyel

thanx 4 reeding this
Thanks for posting.
Next time, just post once.

PM me with the following info:
Do you have AIM/MSN?
If so, what is it?
What time you would like to be tested?
Where would you like to be tested?
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
Hello I would like to join Kick.

Name: DaNinja.
Belt: Black.
Play Time: Dunno. I think its been something like 4 to 5 months.
Preferred testing ground: Kickboxing.

P.s. I was recommended to join kick by Samule and Cro-Mag.
p.s.s. If you can't remember me I was the rank 1 guy.
Last edited by DaNinja; Dec 12, 2007 at 07:44 AM.
Belt: Blue
How long have you been playing?: 3 Months
Where would you like to be tested?:
Sometime during weekends?
Blue isnt very good for 7-8 months. Also, if you can only be on in weekends you can't be active enough.
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around