Original Post
Favorite mod/ how good are you at that mod/ battle group
All right! With or without the sanction of [DS]'s leaders I'm going to try and put together a clan battle!
It's really a simple affair, you post here, say what mod you're good at, I add you to the list. Simple as that! Once we have a list of five or so people (if we have two or more people apply for the same mod they'll duke it out and whoever wins gets to go on to clan fighting) we'll arrange a date with another clan and viola! We have a clan match!
Now, if I get support from our clan leaders I may be able to place a bet from [DR]'s TC bank. If so, then the other clan would match the bet and if you won a round in the clan battle you get an even cut of the prize money!

When two or more people sign up for the same mod we'll arrange a best out of five match in the mod.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up!

Here's the list of players.
Note: this isn't a complete list of the mods that I'm accepting, just the ones off the top of my head. If you play a different official mod just say so. -
Aikido- disazndude, Soki123
Judo- ChrisRebel, ivolt, Soki123
Katana- Redstater, SidAcc2
Twinswords- ChrisRebel, SidAcc2
Wushu- SidAcc2
Last edited by Redstater; Jun 16, 2009 at 03:59 AM.
To fight a thousand battles is easy.
To face your inner demons, that is the test of life.
Really good idea. And we have 7001(1, w00t xD) TC in the bank.

Well, my best mods(From the list): Twinswords and Judo.

Signed :P
Me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau.(=I close my eyes and swear)
OMG REDSTATER!! u write to much!!! lol ill read it later if u read this b4 i edit it just check it out 15 min later xD
All right, cool guys. This is going smoother then I thought it would!
Now, Soki, ChrisRebel, you two will have to fight in judo to see who gets in.

If you'll just post what times you could get on to play we can arrange a match.
To fight a thousand battles is easy.
To face your inner demons, that is the test of life.
All right, Sid, me and you will have to play a match.
To fight a thousand battles is easy.
To face your inner demons, that is the test of life.