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2012 end of the world??
Hey guys , We are now in 2011 and i'm wondering what will happen in 2012 i heard many teories and watched many documents about what will happen.....
Some of it said that sun will send an impulse and burn everything .....
what do u think??
well anything could happend sense that like are destroying the earth as time goes by the earth could just flud meh i really don't think so cause they said that like in 2002 the world was gonna end they even had a count down at downtown XD and nothing happend lol but they said it will on 2012 december 21 hm hm who knows what might happen..............
If something was going to happen it would have started happening it's not going to happen instantly.
Hmm, Useless post bro. Hope you get infracted.

OnTopic. Those who think that it would happen are paranoid about global warming. Yes the world will flood but not in our life time.
stop saying its not gonna happen the more you doubt the chances of is gonna happend fools but not chaos shes not a fool shes awesome.
Originally Posted by link1020 View Post
stop saying its not gonna happen the more you doubt the chances of is gonna happend fools but not chaos shes not a fool shes awesome.

What in the F*** was that. That made no sence.
they said the world would end, the last 11 years.... nothings ever happened, why even worry, just live lyfe...