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Hey guyss

To start with, Sorry if you don't like me posting here, just thought I would though.

I recently got back in contact with BenD (Brief convo, enough to tell me that Gata was still going strong etc.) and I'm really glad to see some of the art here, and to see you guys still going strong!

I dunno if any of you remember me (used to make art with hobojoey, ran TAS with bend, ex promoteam) but i was wondering if it would be alright to maybe lurk here/post occasionally (both my own art and criticisms) ? I'll make a formal application if that is what you'd prefer

welcome back bro!

(I'm AHD)

so you do plan on getting active again?
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
AHD! mannn, its been a long time, i remember when you first got me into making textures properly, by teaching me, and playaJ :o! yea, maybe, wont be super active as i have college etc. but itd be nice to get active again :3
Dont wanna double post, but i thought you guys might wanna see a bit of texturing, heres a quick head, in one of the many styles i used to do (i learnt many peoples styles and worked from there )

And another one

Last edited by Bilza; Jan 25, 2012 at 10:53 PM.
You've got to work on the mapping for the top and bottom, 'gonna look really distorted as a sphere.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
I can't remember how to sort the top mapping out for the life of me, I remember you can don somethings using polar coords or something?
Holy shit someone that can raise the quality of tribal textures around here!

Although I don't like the colors you used in these. Flow could be a bit better. There are some parts that could use a trim.

Still better than any tribals I've seen produced in the last couple months.
Originally Posted by Bilza View Post

ahem, *cough cough*

dont overcomplicate it, find the obvious appealing shapes, then work with those, dont make something more difficult than it should be.
try to use as few brushes as possible, stick to one if possible, keeps the flow going within the texture.
checkit: http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=282162

facial shape on the second one is nice, but the rest looks like desperate fill to busy up the back and sides. keep the flow going
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Haha, you taught me this style Ben, trust you to have a head with the same brush set :P

I used maybe 2-3 brushes per head, but they were edited for flow and fit. Head 2 looked like a dragon, face wise, but I was struggling to keep the flow to the back, so after doing the face shape, I worked from the back of the head to the front. Big mistake, but as these aren't for a set or anything, I decided not to bother editing, I'd rather just make a new head :P

Colours were just slapped about, randomly picked, as again, these aren't designed for use, only warming up my skills again, these are the first two heads in 2 years or so, i was highly impressed with myself :P

Definitely a few parts needing a trim, most obvious one I spotted being on the second head, in the middle below the face.

tl;dr I suck, couldn't be bothered to fix, shall make more.

Could anyone describe how to use polar coordinates to me please?