Original Post
Hello there is news
I just wanted to let people know, even though its of no importance, that recently shit has hit the fan big time around here, at least, with me. So even though this is an inactive clan I'd like to let you know i may or may not be around for a while, though I suppose it's too early to say. I doubt this will be anything really really bad, like uh idk life threatening or anything so you know no worries there, I've just hit a really big bump thats more like mountain, and well... things aren't going very awesomely. so thanks, if you see this cool, if not then whatevs. don't usually do this anyway so yeah. okay I'm done dragging this out.
wow that
In all seriousness: keep us updated and stuff and if you ever need something (words of advice, etc) you can always get something here. Gonna try my best cause after all: you're not such a bad fellow and we have to look for the people like that.

EDIT: Oh and I'm sorry that I just posted now. Already saw it a while ago but never got the mood to post something. It's never too late.
Last edited by Hayz; Nov 7, 2013 at 03:03 AM.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~