Original Post
080200's Texture Shop
[TEX] Just starting to make textures for people. I make anything from Patterns to robot like figures and more. If you are interested in buying or requestion a certain texture, feel free to pm me. Here are a few Textures I have made for me / Others. The price for any texture starts at 2k+. Enjoy! (If I did anything I'm not allowed to, please just tell me... Like I said I am only just starting this, so I have nooo idea about the forum).
you know that you can only sell at the texture/art thread right?
[Fr4me] [Lotramus] [Dharmahn] #Sparring #Parkour #ReplayMaker
you posted in the wrong subforum

art is for free textures and what peoble are working on

art/texture is for textures that cost tc
Wrong board and a duplicate thread at that.
Closing both.
Read the board rules before posting.
If you want to sell textures, do that here
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc