Weekend Bash
Original Post
Head Texture Of The Month is back!

Express yourself, impress us! Show us how well you can fuse these colours into a beautiful blend or clash of styles!

In this event, the Event Squad (ES) chooses a color scheme to work with, and you have time until 19th of December to create an amazing head texture. The person who creates the head that best fits the judging criteria receives prizes. At the bottom of the thread you'll find the exact criteria we'll be using to vote. Don't worry if you don't make it out on top, as there will be participation prizes. Now get drawing friends!

You will need to use one of this color schemes, however, keep in mind that each scheme has their own prizes

We do still have rules that are to be followed. Keep in mind we may not judge your art if it doesn't follow ALL of these rules.

- Not using any of color schemes, we want the chosen palette to be the focal point of your artwork.
- No plagiarism, this isn't tolerated at all and is severely punishable.
- Do not submit old/pre-made textures.
- A rough sketch or WIP is required to prove that it is a head in progress and not a pre-made head that you are reposting.
- Collaborations are allowed, however in this scenario prizes will be split.
- Only one submission is allowed, which also means no alts used to submit two different heads. If you're collaborating with another artist, you can only submit that head.
- Submissions must be in 512x512 or higher.
- Post watermarked flats in this thread with spherical previews. It would be much appreciated if you used Toribash Textures for 3D previews.
- If you aren't using Toribash Textures, ensure to make your previews clear, show all aspects of your head and attempt to keep watermarks somewhat non-intrusive while still being effective.

We now require at least 3 WIP images to qualify the art in the event.
(a WIP could simply be a progress stage, initial drawings or a near finished state of completion)






Qualifier prize
With this reward we want to encourage all artists to give this event a try!
We'll be rewarding every submission that fulfills the requirements and reaches a level of effort worthy of the prize.


Acid & Demolition colour scheme prizes :

Azurite & Noxious colour scheme prizes:

19th of December 8PM GMT+1


HUGE thank you to Saiko for creating the artwork for the event!
Originally Posted by Sandalphon View Post
sad nobody made a gogeta with that color scheme but hey congrats to the winners .

i was hoping to see some eva01 heads :c