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Toribash bank
I`ve found out, that in general tc in toribash are in the pockets of a few people, while mostly other ones have like 50k max.
This very lack of money demotivates them from the entire gaming, they can not afford a lot of things, they escape it,
because the richest ones mostly do not spend them, so, it is the way quite hard to get tc.
In order to fix this, I suppose there should be a bank, that provides tc for people, that are to return them with % to the actual bank.
(it is something like that debtors will have to pay the $ they were given and extra % - 10%, for instance)
(Remember a real-life banking system)
We can also find investors, that give money to it like contributions system in the regular banks, so, they give tc,
the bank gives them $, something like 3-5% from the amount they invest.
We can even go ahead and there could be something like a global bank from NABI, that gives licences to other ones,
made by toribash player and has a discount rate and rights to close any financial institution they find scaming, for example.
It also can a great deal of a lot of servises it provides, i can take part in organising this, the only thing i need is
the licence from administration, that approves my activites, otherwise if they do not give me it,
I would be highely appreciated to see, that nabi makes such a bank.
Will be exploited way too much as there's no way to punish those who loan TC and don't return it afterwards (bans won't work as they won't return the money).

Also this was already suggested before and turned down for the same reason.
Well, just behave absolutely in the same way as in the real life:
In order to get money, the person you are providing it to, has to have a good credit history, returning tc could be done automaticly, in case he or she doesn`t have money to return he or she could be banned or lose all the items as a punishment, I suppose this is quite fair. Anyways, scammers will totally not be 100% of all the people in toribash, so, banks will totally get profit anyways in the end.
There also could be something like pledge system involved or could be guarantors that a debtor has to provide to get a credit, when a debtor not paying tc he took, you took them from a guarantor, for example.

Btw, there could also be also toribash stock markets then after creating several banks, where people can buy stocks of different banks, etc.
Last edited by Adamant; Nov 9, 2014 at 08:45 PM.
in case he or she doesn`t have money to return he or she could be banned or lose all the items as a punishment

Banning someone doesn't take TC away back from economy, same with items.
Checking the "credit history" will be hell as it would require a) tons of time and effort b) people who'll focus on that.

There are a lot of regular loan scams between players who claim to be "friends" and you're offering a system that'll make us loan TC to complete strangers in hope that they won't sell these TC to other players.
If you take for instance 10k you have to pay back 1k so people will just do that like 100 times and get 900k out of it :/
Demon, the idea is you have to give back 11k not 1k.

Also why does it matter if someone who is perma-banned has money as it effectively out of the economy because it cant be used?
Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
Demon, the idea is you have to give back 11k not 1k.

Also why does it matter if someone who is perma-banned has money as it effectively out of the economy because it cant be used?

Sir is saying, if a person borrows money and does not return it, they will be banned. If a player gets banned without paying back his debts, this could cause a problem. It would be safer to not adopt a banking program.

On a side note: Some players actually give out loans and ask for a percentage back. So this is basically the same thing as the bank idea but a lot more simple.
A hasbeen like the rest
Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
Demon, the idea is you have to give back 11k not 1k.

Also why does it matter if someone who is perma-banned has money as it effectively out of the economy because it cant be used?

Player A borrows 100k from the bank then:
a) sells these 100k to Player B for $;
b) plays several duels and loses all the TC;
c) buys some items from Player B;

When it's time to return money to the bank he apparently has no TC to return so he gets banned. However, this doesn't take the TC he borrowed from the economy because we cannot take these TC away from someone who spent their $ on them, won in fair duels or got for selling their items. This way the scammer is punished but TC that weren't meant to be created are created.

Real life banking system works differently, and we cannot do the same here.