Original Post
Add these new rules
Not part of suggestion: These are just for the forums. I will add more as I go on.
Add the new rules below.
1. Don't even think about posting outside links except those specified by staff
2. Looting sinking accounts (Taking more than two items from an account that's closing) is not allowed and will result in the item going back to the owner, with no refunds. If you do it too many times, you will be banned.
3. No talking about piracy other than discouraging it. It could easily be a virus, or a scam to get your money by adding "epic toribash."
4. You shouldn't be talking about explict content (for example, arguments about penises), as sometimes it leads to people posting porn links.
5. If you get caught posting rumors, false news, or links to any of them, you will be banned.
6. You shall not pass if you do a DDOS attack (that means, everybody participating in DDOS attacks of ANY site specified in the rules, and is a member, their account is banned forever.)
7. You shouldn't post something if it encourages the use of drugs, such as alcohol, cocaine, heroin, or tobacco.
8. You will be banned if you get caught asking for, giving, or otherwise encouraging cheating in school (that means pre-written papers, complete summaries intended to bypass research, answer keys, methods of academic cheating, or excerpts for the purpose of plagurism).
9. If you post links to invalid web pages, domain landing pages, or malware sites, you will be rewarded with a free ban.
10. If you post viruses, either by link, code, or anything else, you will be banned.
Most of your rules are in the global forum rules, others are either obvious or not needed at all.
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