Original Post
Toribash 3.4
Ive just installed toribash 3.4 and i dont see a buddy list, does anyone else have this problem
weedless i just kicked u from the clan for being unactive in the forum .
ppl get kicked for reasons , he on the other hand got kicked for being unactive in the forum , btw that gose to all of u member's of guardian .
woah woah woah woah Rey, we need to talk, you didn't make me and Wild Co-Leaders for nothing, well actully Wild is a Co-Leader, I'm more of the Co-Co-Leader, but that is not the point, the point is, if you want to kick someone, you should tell us, mabye we know more about him then you do, so next time, before you kick anyone, add a thread, asking him why he wasn't active, but please, don't rush him out. Thank you
nah its ok guys i can see why he kicked me i been a bit inactive lately due to work but i did explain this the other day and since installing 3.4 i can never find u guys online but thanks anyway guys hope ur clan goes far as ur all really good players
weedless, freeze! Look, I think what Rey is trying to say is, you should become a member, and get an avatar.
hmmmm kk , tell u what for the next 5 days u should be active and active in forum , " THEN " i well let u in again .