Original Post
just a quick idea why is /status is for host only?
maybe a host is multiclienting and the players wants to know
so we check thier ip
any reason why not?
INB4 14 days ban
i said it 5times to know if they are multiclienting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
like someone have 2 accounts
and he join a roomm to get qi maybe or an official one to get tc
and you felt suspicuos about them
it will show if they are multiclienting or not
its that easy
any reason why not ?
its that easy to get someone to your room and /status so it wont diffrent!

any reason why?
see all the posts iv posted!
INB4 14 days ban
As said by SkulFuk it's our job to find and punish them. I don't wanna see normal users running around and hunting multiclienters plus viewing IP's will (also said by SkulFuk) make it possible to try to hack or DoS/DDoS other players.
I'm strictly against that
Check my Soundcloud ;)
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
Actually it's the staff's job to find them if the need arises. Also multiclienting etc is only considered rule breaking in official servers (unless it's farming, which we have other means of detecting) making it even more pointless.

Users don't need to know info like the IP of someone else, or would you like us to plaster your IP addresses all over the forum so people can DDoS your home connections for lols? And yes, that does happen.

It's also illegal for a member to have 2 accounts in a bet room then rig the bets. Figured I would add that in. Also, f you suspect someone is multiclienting, take a picture of it and then PM a gm+ with pics and have them look at the IP address.
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Basically if you suspect someone of multiclienting then grab a screenshot & toss it in #support

Don't sit around waiting for someone before posting it, just say you think you found a multiclienter & link the screeny. We'll deal with it from there, after all we don't need to be in the server with them to know if someone needs slapped.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
yeah, if it will lead to hacking, Ddos attacks and all sort of that,
there's no need to see IP's.
Supported if changed...
Originally Posted by ViperTech View Post
As said by SkulFuk it's our job to find and punish them. I don't wanna see normal users running around and hunting multiclienters plus viewing IP's will (also said by SkulFuk) make it possible to try to hack or DoS/DDoS other players.
I'm strictly against that

Cut the crap, /status command is usable for everyone that hosts a room, so it doesn't prevent players from getting ips of other players.
What could be done is you could change the way /status works by encrypting ips to show up as alphanumeric string like "h897asdh79whj8" to not reveal real ip of a player which is now really happening actually.
Don't close your eyes on already misimplemented or misused commands/features, try to improve them, so they don't harm noone, cause from this (your) point of view it's really dangerous to enter any private room because of fear of DoS/DDoS/DrDoS.
I have reported many farmers on tourney servers, just because they were too obvious noob to farm with 2 accounts, but sometimes you need to be sure to report cause noone wanna look like plain idiot while reporting false positive farmers when someone's getting suspicious.

So "/status for everyone" supported if you encrypt ips, if you don't, then remove the command from normal players entirelly.
Originally Posted by name too long:D
Cut the crap, /status command is usable for everyone that hosts a room, so it doesn't prevent players from getting ips of other players.
What could be done is you could change the way /status works by encrypting ips to show up as alphanumeric string like "h897asdh79whj8" to not reveal real ip of a player which is now really happening actually.

THats what i have been trying to tell them
Originally Posted by up
encrypting ips to show up as alphanumeric string like "h897asdh79whj8" to not reveal real ip of a player which is now really happening actually.

thats pretty much a good idea! infact its great!
or maybe an auto system to detect them like when toribash finds 2 same ip/s kick or tell a mod or something but what if the same internet service?
INB4 14 days ban