Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
CaptZeroth's [The Custom Cursor Shop]
Welcome to the Custom Cursor Shop!

I'm Captain Zeroth, and I'm selling cursors (static and animated) made by me for you.

Free Animated Cursor:
32x32 | Pointer: Top-Right | 24 bit
This cursor is meant for "busy" pointer

Free Static Cursor:
32x32 | Pointer: Top-Left | 24 bit
This is my TB head on a mouse.

[EDIT] Price Drop! Woo!


Static Cursors:

What I can do for you:

Pointer Position:
Anywhere you'd like for all the same price.
The actual "hot spot" can be anywhere!
Top-left, top-right, top-middle, anywhere bottom,
And anywhere in between all for the same price!

Pointer Size:
Anywhere from 14x14 to 48x48 pixels.
32x32* is recomended.
Price: Size multiplied by 2.
Eg: A 32x32 is 128c.

Color Depth (Quality):
1 bit (Black and White)
4 bit (16 colors)
8 bit (256 colors)
24 bit* (16.7 million colors)
32 bit (smooth edges, best you can get)
Pricing: Take the bit number and multiply it by 3.
Add this to the size price. This is your total.


Animated Cursors

What I can do for you:

Everything above still applies.

Try to keep the animations a short looping motion
or you may experience lag.
Pricing: Add 50 to your current price. This is your total.


To Order:
Post here with DESCRIPTION of the following:
Pointer position, pointer size, color depth, and if
you want an animation. Also, tell what type of cursor
it will be used as. Eg: Normal Pointer, Busy, resize, etc.
Re: CaptZeroth's [The Custom Cursor Shop]
Originally Posted by CaptZeroth
There has been a major price drop!

I just realized how expensive they were :P

Thats wright buddy!
Re: CaptZeroth's [The Custom Cursor Shop]
Please don't spam my shop, skinny. If you are going to buy, then do so. If not either leave, learn to spell, or do something constructive rather than spam and insult. Thank you.
Re: CaptZeroth's [The Custom Cursor Shop]
Originally Posted by CaptZeroth
Please don't spam my shop, skinny. If you are going to buy, then do so. If not either leave, learn to spell, or do something constructive rather than spam and insult. Thank you.

How is that an insult?
Re: CaptZeroth's [The Custom Cursor Shop]
Lol i don't mean to Spam But Capt you already have Like Three Post's.

And Yes Can i Have a curser

I want one that Just looks Like Lighting Thanx.
Chuck Norris is in fact the most deadliest weapon on this planet, But then there's EmpreamKick
Re: CaptZeroth's [The Custom Cursor Shop]
You didn't say what color depth or size you wanted, so I gave you the defaults. I have PM'ed you the link to download. That will be 200 credits.