Original Post
The whole of tl;dr is invited to a wedding!
It gives me great pleasure to announce, that the whole of tl;dr is invited to Smiles4fre and Darkembers wedding!
father of philip scone
What the frack is this


i think i'm more confused than i should be
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
You are definitely more confused than you should be.

Darkember is Smiles4fre's soon to be husband.
father of philip scone
Haha I'm just imagining 20 people in one room, everyone is spec'd except DarkEmber and Smiles, playing a wedding mod and just wobbling around

I'll be there ^^
I'll come on one condition, no torisex.tbm before the actual marriage. If I see anyone even try to change the mod to it before their union has been eternalised then I am straight up campaigning for the removal of our clan alliance.

Oh and can I be one of the bridesmaids?
Good morning sweet princess

Maybe, I'll have to clarify it with Smiles4fre... the bride.
father of philip scone
Not sure if "she" will be wearing textures, but "she" will definitely be pink.
Presents are not necessary, but if you wish to bring some along, anything will do!
father of philip scone